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ANTH 103 Introduction to Anthropology Virginia Commonwealth University Spring 2024 Location Harris Hall 101 Time TR 12 30 1 45 pm Dr Amy L Rector Email alrector vcu edu Office Lafayette Hall 104 Student hours Tuesdays 2 30 4 pm or by appointment using calendly com alrector Instructional Assistant Lauren Volkers Email volkerslj vcu edu Course Description and Objectives This class is a general introduction to the discipline of anthropology and will survey a variety of anthropological topics As a broad and diverse discipline anthropology pursues the development of a holistic and comparative understanding of human similarities and differences by integrating research on the biological evolutionary historical linguistic social and cultural aspects of our kind We will examine each of the four sub fields of anthropology biological anthropology the study of human genetics origins evolution and diversity archaeology the reconstruction and analysis of past societies through the study of material remains anthropological linguistics the study of human language and other communicative behaviors and socio cultural anthropology the study and comparison of culturally variable ways of life in society Among the aims set for you as students in this course will be 1 To learn the basic terminology and concepts of all the subfields of anthropology 2 To consider the history of humans as biological organisms 3 To acquire a framework for the comparative study of variable human cultures and social structures 4 To gain a broader cross cultural lens for viewing our own culture I am grateful for the presence of and input from every student in our class regardless of immigration status country of origin race ethnicity religious affiliation gender sex sexual orientation age or disability ability Contributions from a diverse population enrich our world and our academic experience and bring vibrancy and creativity to our intellectual community All enrolled students are expected to value and respect the contributions of all participants in our class Recommended Materials 1 OER Introduction to Anthropology A Four Field Approach Required Materials Course Grading System 1 Readings videos activities posted on Canvas canvas vcu edu 1 Exams 60 of your final grade will be calculated using scores from four non cumulative exams Exams will be given on line and will include true false matching and multiple choice questions All exams are open note and open book 2 Assignments Quizzes 20 of your final grade will be calculated based on weekly assignments and or quizzes Most of these assessments will be completed on Canvas but a few will be in class 3 Anthropology Infographics 20 of your final grade will be based on scores from two Infographics you will create about Anthropological topics One will be due mid semester and one will be due towards the end of class More directions will be available on Canvas 4 Extra Credit There will be several opportunities to earn extra credit throughout the semester These will be described on Canvas and it is YOUR responsibility to complete the assignments when they are due 5 Grade allocation A 90 100 B 80 89 C 70 79 D 60 69 F 60 Course Policies 1 Exams You are responsible for all materials covered in readings and in class and for taking all four exams during their scheduled times Exams will be online open note and open book and you will have a week to complete them You are encouraged to work together 2 Attendance Attendance is expected You are responsible for all material covered in class regardless of whether you were there If you need to bring your child to class during extenuating circumstances let me know and we can make arrangements Students who consistently miss class may be withdrawn from the course by the instructor resulting in a W or an F on your transcript If you are unable to continue the course you must drop by March 29 to avoid a possible F in the class Before withdrawing from classes students should consult their instructor as well as other appropriate university offices Withdrawing from classes may negatively impact a student s financial aid award and his or her semester charges To discuss financial aid and the student bill visit the Student Services Center at 1015 Floyd Avenue Harris Hall and or contact your financial aid counselor regarding the impact on your financial aid 3 Conduct Cell phones should be on silent and should only be seen when using Top Hat Laptops should only be used to take notes during class if you are using your computer for activities unrelated to class you will be asked to close your computer or to leave the classroom Disruptions such as sleeping texting talking etc may result in you being asked to leave Weapons of any kind are prohibited 4 The Honor System The VCU Honor System policy describes the responsibilities of students faculty and administration in upholding academic integrity According to this policy Members of the academic community are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty ethics and integrity at all times Students are expected to read the policy in full and learn about requirements here http conduct students vcu edu vcu honor system 5 Email Canvas I will regularly use VCU email and Canvas to communicate about the course You are responsible for regularly checking your email and Canvas site to keep yourself up to date and for maintaining the correct information so that I can contact you You might consider signing up for VCU Mobile http mobile vcu edu 6 Religious Observances Athletics University Sponsored Events To receive an excused absence for any event of this kind religious athletic or otherwise you must contact me at least two weeks in advance of the event date and have proper documentation 7 Disabilities Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended require that VCU provide academic adjustments or reasonable accommodations to any student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity To receive accommodations students must register with the Student Accessibility and Education Office on the Monroe Park Campus 828 2253 or the Division for Academic Success on the MCV campus 828 9782 The university recognizes that some students who previously did not need Section 504 Academic Accommodations and who have a qualifying condition or disability may need support or assistance during the return to

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