UA BSC 108 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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BSC 108 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide What do all living organisms need to sustain life Nutrients What is energy The capacity to do work What are the different types of energy Kinetic energy of motion potential stored energy how do we measure energy joule metabolism sum total of all the chemical reactions that occur in organisms study of energy thermodynamics calorie unit of energy Calorie food calorie 1 kilocalorie 1 000 calories first law of thermodynamics conservation of energy energy cannot be created or destroyed why is heat lost in biological systems heat is hard to harness Where does new energy come from how is most energy lost chemical reactions lost in heat sweating second law of thermodynamics if energy leaves the system potential energy will be less than that of the intial state Entropy measure of disorder and randomness what is activation energy triggers a chemical reaction to proceed what is an enzyme and how do they work very specific in terms of which substrates it can bind changes the rate of a metabolic reaction without being consumed by the reaction what factors affect how well enzymes work temp ph enzyme consentration how does an enzyme inhibitor work disrupt metabolic functions What is ATP and what is it used for most directly involved in energy transfer within cells used as energy that is currently in cells how do you get energy from ATP cellular respiration Diffusion vs osmosis High concentration low concentration diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane what happens to red blood cells if you place themin a hyperosmotic hypo or isosmotic shriveled lysing normal Phagocytosis eating pinocytosis drinking producer depends on ecosystems plants consumer they eat plants and animals humans animals receptor recieves chemical signals from outside the cell autotroph make their own organic matter plants algae bacteria heterotroph cannot make organic molecules from inorganic molecules humans cellular respiration requires a cell to exchange gases with its surroundings breathing exchanges these gases between the blood and outside air equation for photosynthesis 6co2 6H2O light c6H12Oo6 6O2 equation for cellular respiration C6H12O6 6CO2 6H2O ATP Where does photosynthesis occur chloraplasts photosynthesis produce glucose and release oxygen into the air cellular respiration glucose is used as food and carbon dioxide is produces as a waste what is the electron chain used for production of ATP steps of photosynthesis light reation chloroplasts absord light energy calvin cycle uses products from light reactions to produce glucose why are plants green chlorophyll what colors are responsible for photosynthesis red and blue orange and violet photosystem group of chlorophyll that function as a light gathering antenna what occurs in the calvin cycle overall function is making sugar why is cellular respiration important provides energy for living organisms to perform necessary functions to maintain life anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen aerobic requires oxygen how much energy is made fromcellular respiration 36 ATPs glycolysis glucose is converted to pyravic acid where does glycolysis occur cytosol of a cell what do you get outof glycolysis 2 ATPs fermentation anaerobic harvest of feed energy what are some products of anaerobic respiration in animals and yeast humans lactic acid yeast carbon dioxide greenhouse effect keeping the temp on earth warm sexual 2 parents asexual 1 parent how many times does the DNA replicate in mitosis once somatic cell typical body cell germ cells cell that gives rue to gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually haploid 1 member of each pair diploid pair of homologouschromosomes sister chromatids single chromosome is replicated centromere narrow waist joins sister chromatids allele each version of a gene gene part of the DNA how many chromosomes do humans have 46 what are the phases of the cell cycle interphase and miotic phase what are the phases of mitosis prophase metaphase anaphase telophase cytokinesis prophase spindles form and nuclear envelope breaks metaphase chromosomes line in the middle anaphase sister chromatids seperate and move to opposite sides telophase chromosomes become less condenced Cytokinesis Cytoplasm divides How is cytokinesis diff in plants and animals Animals lack cell wall plants form cell plate Homologous chromosomes Chromosomes paired during meiosis What is crossing over and why is it important Exchange of corresponding portions of homologous chromosomes exchange genetic info genetic recombination what causes downs sydrome error in meiosis indivual has an extra chromosome 21 karyotype organizing chromosomes of a cell in relation to number size and type what is a programmed cell death apoptosis what is cancer does not respond to the signals that control cell division causes of cancer caused by an accumulation of mutations what is the association between cancer and the cell cycle are when cells grow uncontrolably what causes mutations DNA fails to copy correcity fertilization fusion of sperm eggs creates zygote why is sexual reproduction important it makes genetic variability possible when does crossing over occur in prophase 1 of meiosis mitosis 46 chromosomes genetically identical one division meiosis 23 chromosomes crossing over 2 divisions reproduction metaphase 1 46 chromosomes metaphase 2 23 chromosomes anaphase 1 46 chromosomes anaphase 2 23 chromosomes what types of cells does mitosis occur in body cells somatic what types of cells does meiosis occur in gametes

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UA BSC 108 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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