UT EDP 363-3 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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EDP 363 3 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 11 Lectures 1 5 August 28th September 11th Facts Myths and Value Statments a Fact A fact is a statement in which it is possible to gather evidence of the scientific kind and the overwhelming evidence suggests that the statement is accurate i Scientific data has 3 hallmarks 1 Measurable 2 Replicable 3 Observable b Definition A definition is a word or group of words which attempt to give meaning to another word or symbol Definitions gain their power from acceptance not from being true or false c False Statement Myth A fact is a statement in which it is possible to gather evidence of the scientific kind and the overwhelming evidence suggests that the statement is not accurate d Value statements AKA Opinions i Differ from facts and myths because they can not be proven or disproven ii There are three ways of stating values 1 Stating your values as a fact a Typically follows the formula Noun is are value word and almost always includes is or are Whether consciously or not used as a way of asserting your opinion as true not only so the other person will be more likely to believe you but also so you believe yourself Implies that you think the other person is stupid b Ex Pizza is good 2 Stating your values as a demand a Typically includes should or must b Stating your values as a demand implies that if the other person does not comply with your demand they will be punished c Ex We should eat pizza 3 Stating your values as preferences a Typically includes words such as prefer or like b Stating your values as a preference is the only one of the three that implies both people in the relationship are equals It leaves room for compromise It also banks on people respecting you c Ex I would like if we could get pizza tonight Lectures 6 8 September 16th 23rd Historical Perspectives on Sexuality I Know the order of the following events a 313 Constantine converted to Christianity b 354 430 Augustine c 570 Birth of Mohammed Qu ran d 1225 1274T Thomas Aquinas e 1233 Pope Gregory begins the Inquisition From 1450 1780 over 250 000 people executed f 1456 First printing press g 1518 Martin Luther h 1534 Henry the 8th Act of Supremacy i 1869 Pope Pius IX j 1872 Victoria Woodall runs for president k 1873 Anthony Comstock act of suppression in trade and circulation of obscene literature and articles of immoral use Comstock laws l 1883 1966 Margaret Sanger m 1905 Havelock Ellis Three contributions to the theory of sex n 1947 Alfred Kinsey Male Sexuality o 1960 US approval of birth control pill p 1965 Griswald vs Connecticut q 1966 Masters Johnson Human Sexual Response r 1972 Eisenstadt vs Baird Lectures 9 11 September 25th October 2nd Anatomy and Physiology Need to know the a location or where they are produced b the function of the following hormones and parts Female hormones and parts Ovaries Fallopian tubes Fibria Uterus Endometrium The tissue that lines the inside of the uterine wall Perimetrium The thin membrane covering the outside of the uterus Cervix Os The opening in the cervix that leads to the interior of the uterus Vaginal lining Labia majora minora Clitoris Mons pubis Hymen Estrogen Produced in the ovaries The hormone that causes the secondary sex organs to grow and ova to mature in their follicles HCG FSH produced in the pituitary gland during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle causes the development of ovarian follicles LH Produced in the pituitary gland in the brain and causes the ovaries to release a mature ovum Also stimulates the development of the corpus luteum Corpus Luteum located in the ovary produces the hormone progesterone Progesterone inhibits the production of the cervical mucus during ovulation Plays a role in causing the endometrium to thicken Pituitary gland located in the brain and responsible for FSH and LA into the blood stream Adrenal gland Oxytocin Male hormones and Parts The testes Leydig cells interstitial Seminiferous tubules Epididymis Vas deferens Seminal vesicles Prostate gland Semen Sperm testosterone Corpora cavernosa Corpora spongiosum Urethra bladder Perineum Spermatic cord

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UT EDP 363-3 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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