Child Psychology 560 Emotional Development 3 03 04 2014 4 30 Tomorrow or Today Midterm Review Session Kids to test available on Saturday AM see Yammer Attachment A Introduction thoughts o o o o o Reciprocal ties between parents and infants From interactions with caregivers Develops over time you don t have before your child shows up Big individual differences Different from temperament nature attachment nurture o Temperament is about the kid attachment is about the relationship with caregiver Similar with temperament in that they both have huge differences Bowlby Attachment Theory o o Naturalistic observation War orphans WWII many kids separated from their parents Infants in orphanages Hospitalized toddler 1940s institutions 1 10 20 ratio between caregivers and children 1st 3 6 months typical development smile cry babble o 2nd 6 months atypical quiet insensitive to others high mortality rate Bowlby Evolutionary explanation Safety mechanism for exploring Imprinting Separation danger Closeness decreases distress separating increases distress Parent secure base e g social referencing look to caregiver Parent will help you navigate the world Stages of Attachment o Pre A 0 6 weeks need close contact o A in the making to 6 8 months o Familiar vs new people Clear cut A o Not much about relationship with caregiver anyone can pick them up Caregiver as secure base Reciprocal Relationships Internal working model of self other Set of expectations you have for how others will react or care for you Also has to do with the caregiver not just the kid Measuring A Ainsworth o Stage Situation paradigm 1 2 year olds Measures child caregiver security Interaction stranger anxiety reunion 3 phases A Types pg 429 o o o o Secure 65 Resistant 10 don t explore upset when mom leaves ambivalent after return mad Anxious Avoidant 20 little distress when mom leaves ignore after return Disorganized Type D 5 10 insecure confused absence of A patter Dazed freezing Stability of A o o For at least several months Stability of child s life o Family stress secure less secure Applying IWM internal working model self other Early in life you develop a set of expectations that you carry as time goes on World might not always conform to those expectations but you maintain them Internal Working Model IWM o Shows how to behave towards others o Guides interactions Use in all relationships o If model effective change it Resilience Consequences of A SO MANY CONFOUNDS o 2 year old problem solving o o Secure cooperative 3 5 year old secure curious teacher relationships 10 15 year old For own kids dependent Individual Differences o o 1 Quality of caregiving Secure A responsive positive structured interactions Driven by kid needs Resistant A inconsistent caregiving Driven by parent s needs Avoidant A rejecting or overstimulating Disorganized 85 of maltreated kids 2 Temperament Kagan SS measures T Easy T Secure A Difficult T Resistant A Slow to warm up Avoidant A Limitations of Temperament Hypothesis Different A with each parent T interacts with parenting E g parents of difficult T can learn to be more sensitive secure attachments Cultural Influences o Effects of child rearing Kibbutz 50 resistant 37 secure Germany avoidant Japan resistant no avoidant o Ideal of independent infant Rarely left with strangers Is A a cultural construct Atypical Variations in Parenting Introduction o o o Isolation Abuse Parental mental health issues Isolation o Harlow animal model 1950s Baby monkeys in isolation o o Wire cloth surrogate mothers Received milk from only one Results Prefer cloth mom Poor Outcomes Avoid other monkeys Abuse own babies No internal working model Therapy younger normal peers Human Social Deprivation Post institutionalized Children Lack physical and emotional contact with a primary caregiver Problems establishing social bonds Lack of developmentally appropriate stranger wariness Negative effects of early institutions international adoption Pollak Brain development slowed Motor development Emotion understanding Emotion hormones Oxytocin Post institutionalized no increase in release of oxytocin by touch of caregiver Control group burst of oxytocin release when there is caregiver interaction Recovery possible not complete Age effects get out early if possible Early adoption is good because there is less time in an institutionalized system Why Multiple caregivers No okay if enough staff don t show as many challenges o o Social Stimulation Theory Contingencies between infant and adult behavior Institutions Lack of control predictability Learned helplessness stop trying Cultural variation in number of caregivers Variation in quality of institutions Elicit response and don t get one multiple times stop trying Child Maltreatment o o o o Neglect Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Neglect is the most common form of maltreatment Medical neglect is very low but still at 2 3 Some Facts about Maltreatment Abuse deprivation neglect poverty trauma 6 million kids maltreated annually 2012 4 5 deaths per day o Factors Contributing to Maltreatment o Parents unrealistic expectations Misinterpret normal behavior Lack of knowledge child Stress management Isolation Substance Abuse Child Prematurity more demanding Poor health Temperament Maltreatment Increased Pathology Not ALL children who experience maltreatment with have a bad outcome BUT o Resilience More mental health problems 03 04 2014 03 04 2014
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