Child Psychology 560 Emotional Development 1 Emotional Development Roadmap Today internal and external factors Thursday development of emotions expression recognition regulation Tuesday caregiving and attachment Internal Factors individual differences Temperament Style of responding to the environment Attributes pg 401 Fearful distress adjustment to new situations Irritable distress fussiness anger frustration Attention span persistence Activity level amount of movement Positive affect approach cooperation Rhythmicity regularity of bodily functions Measuring T Thomas Chess 1950s sample o Parental questionnaires longitudinal Identified behavioral traits 3 types of T temperament o Goldsmith et al Behavioral observations o Also EEG cortisol less biased than questionnaires T Types of babies Easy 40 predictable positive adaptable 03 04 2014 Difficult 10 active irritable unpredictable Slow to warm up 15 inactive moody slow to adapt What about the other 35 Stability of T o o NZ study negativity stable from 3 21 Behavioral inhibitions high in fearful distress Kagan 4 month olds fussing arousal Extreme cases still shy at 7 5 years Kagan video Claims can tell what kind of temperament babies will have by testing them at 4 months Swings set of toys in front of baby Nature not nurture Also use EEG tests to measure electricity Outgoing shy babies show different patterns in different hemispheres Genetic Influences o o o T seen very young Behavior genetics Twins MZ more similar than DZ Adoptees dissimilar Ethnic differences Chinese American babies more placid than Anglo Afro or Irish Problems with T o How many types 3 5 o Stability only modest o Influenced by stability of environment T alters environment Self fulfilling prophecies Nature nurture interaction External Factors Parenting Normative variations o o Spoiling responding too much Learned helplessness responding too little o Key is parental sensitivity Baumrind s Parenting Styles p 469 o Vignette o o o o Supportive unsupportive and demanding undemanding Authoritative Authoritarian Permissive Disengaged Styles change o o Over time For different kids in the same family o Effects of T Depending on context Factors Affecting Parent Style SES o o o Parents with low SES more likely to be authoritarian and punitive Higher SES parents more likely to be accepting and democratic Why An authoritarian style may be adaptive to protect children in unsafe living conditions Economic stress less quality of parenting Around 22 of USA kids live in poverty Marital status depression substance abuse Moderated by supportive relationships Normative Variation Day Care o o o Quality critical Ratio Caregiver stability NICHD study Buffer from poor parental care Can be negative effects if too much time Parental attitudes matter 03 04 2014 03 04 2014
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