6 081 Spring Semester 2007 Work for Week 11 1 MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 081 Introduction to EECS I Spring Semester 2007 Work for Week 11 Issued Tuesday April 24 This handout contains Software lab for Tuesday April 24 Pre lab problems due April 26 Robot lab for Thursday April 26 Post lab due Tuesday May 1 Planning So far our robots have always chosen actions based on a relatively short term or myopic view of what was happening They haven t explicitly considered the long term effects of their actions One way to select actions is to mentally simulate their consequences you might plan your errands for the day by thinking through what would happen if you went to the bank after the store rather than before for example Rather than trying out a complex course of action in the real world we can think about it and as Karl Popper said let our hypotheses die in our stead We can use state space search as a formal model for planning courses of action by considering different paths through state space until we find one that s satisfactory This week we ll assume that the robot can know exactly where it is in the world and plan how to get from there to a goal Generally speaking this is not a very good assumption and we ll spend the next two weeks trying to see how to get the robot to estimate its position using a map But this is a fine place to start our study of robot planning We will do one thing this week that doesn t seem strictly necessary but will be an important part of our software structure as we move forward we are going to design our software so that the robot might in fact change its idea of where it is in the world as it is executing its plan to get to the goal This is very likely to happen if it is using a map to localize itself you ve probably all had the experience of deciding you weren t where you thought you were as you were navigating through a strange city This week the only way it can happen is if in the simulator a malicious person drags the robot to another part of the world as it is driving around There are still a lot of details to be ironed out before we get this all to work which we ll talk about later Tuesday Software Lab Please do the following programming problems 6 081 Spring Semester 2007 Work for Week 11 2 Experimenting with breadth first search The code file search py contains the code for the search algorithms and the numberTest domain discussed in lecture Load this into Python not SoaR just ordinary Python in Idle or Emacs so you can experiment with it Try the code Generate some paths that produce designated numbers by a sequence of doubling adding 1 subtracting 1 squaring or negating For example show how to generate 99 starting at 1 As you try various numbers take note of the number of steps in the search and the length of the remaining agenda Try the search both with and without using dynamic programming Robot on an infinite grid Consider a robot on an infinite grid with the squares labeled i j for all integers i and j The robot can move one square north south east or west Create a modified version of numberTest that will plan a path for the robot from an initial square to a designated goal square This requires only a small change to numberTest In fact the only thing you need to change is the definition of successors Try finding paths from 0 0 to n n for various small values of n both with and without using dynamic programming Forbidden squares Modify your program to also take a list of forbidden squares that the robot cannot move into Name your procedure gridTestForbidden and have it take four arguments an initial square a goal square a list of forbidden squares and a boolean that says whether or not to use a visited list For example gridTestForbidden 0 0 4 4 1 0 0 1 True should generate a path from 0 0 to 4 4 that does not go through either 1 0 or 0 1 Knight s moves According to the rules of chess a knight on a chessboard can move two squares vertically and one square horizontally or two squares horizontally and one square vertically Modify your robot program so that it finds a path of knight s moves from a given initial square to a given goal square on an 8 8 chessboard Make sure to check that the knight remains on the board at each step Use your program to find a path that a knight could take to get from the lower left corner of the chessboard 0 0 to the upper right 7 7 What to turn in For each of last three problems include the new procedure you defined as well as demonstrations on a set of test cases that you think demonstrates your code is entirely correct You will be graded on your selection of test cases as well as on the correctness of your code Pre Lab problems for Thursday April 26 In this week s lab we re going to use search algorithms to plan paths for the robot The biggest question as always is how to take our formal model and map it onto the real world We need to define a search problem by specifying the state space successor function goal test and initial state The choices of the state space and successor function typically have to be made jointly we need to pick a discrete set of states of the world and an accompanying set of actions that can reasonably reliably move between those states Here is one candidate state space formulation 6 081 Spring Semester 2007 Work for Week 11 3 states Let the states be a set of squares in the x y coordinate space of the robot In this abstraction the planner won t care about the orientation of the robot it will think of the robot as moving from grid square to grid square without worrying about its heading When we re moving from grid square to grid square we ll think of it as moving from the center of one square to the next and we ll know the real underlying coordinates of the centers of the squares actions The robot s actions will be to move North South East or West from the current grid square by one square unless such a move would take it to a square that isn t free could possibly cause the robot to collide with an obstacle The successor function returns a list of states that result from all actions that would not cause a collision goal test The goal test can be any Boolean function on the location grids This means that we can specify that the robot end up in …
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