Lecture 12 ANTH 170c1 Outline of Last Lecture I Definition of Obesity II Humans as supreme fat stores III Body fat on average IV BMI genes and environment V Thrifty Gene Hypothesis Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Diabetes Prevalence of type 2 diabetes worldwide Factors affecting diabetes risk Mismatches Adaptive response to past environment or pathology Genes part of life s story line all along Current Lecture Title Diabetes I II III IV Diabetesa High blood sugar levels b But if not enough insulin or cells resistance to insulin diabetes i Blood sugar becomes too high and stays high c High blood glucose levels are associated with i Kidney disease ii Stroke iii Heart attacks Prevalence of type 2 diabetes worldwide a Diabetes prevalence increasing worldwide b Currently unclear which factors determine prevalence Factors affecting diabetes risk a Increased physical activity associated with lower risk b Between populations we still don t know which of these factors are responsible Mismatches Adaptive response to past environment or pathology a Adaptive in a different environment b Not enough time for selection to act c Reproductive cancers V i In past better to have high hormones levels when lots of food so more likely to reproduce when environmental conditions good d Obesity e Type 2 diabetes i Not enough time for selection to act ii Adaptive to being overfed Genes part of life s story line all along a Recall the 3 necessary and sufficient conditions for natural selection i Variation ii Inheritance iii Differential reproductive success
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