UGA CBIO 2200 - Chapter02practice test

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chapter 02 True False Questions 1 Minerals are organic elements extracted from the soil by plants True False 2 Molecules composed of two or more atoms are called compounds True False 3 Hydrogen deuterium and tritium are three isotopes of hydrogen True False 4 Potassium sodium and chlorine are trace elements True False 5 Ionic bonds break apart in water more easily than covalent bonds do True False 6 A solution is a mixture composed of two or more substances that are physically blended but not chemically combined True False 7 Blood pH is approximately 7 4 which is slightly acidic True False 8 The high heat capacity of water makes it a very ineffective coolant True False 9 In an exchange reaction covalent bonds are broken and new covalent bonds are formed True False 10 All the chemical reactions in which larger molecules are broken down to smaller ones are called catabolic reactions True False 11 The opposite of a dehydration synthesis is a hydrolysis True False 12 Unsaturated fatty acids have as much hydrogen as they can carry True False 13 A dipeptide is a molecule with two peptide bonds True False 14 All amino acids have both a carboxyl group and an amino group attached to a central carbon True False 15 ATP is the body s most important form of long term energy storage True False Multiple Choice Questions 16 The most abundant element in the human body by weight is A nitrogen B hydrogen C carbon D oxygen E calcium 17 Sodium has an atomic number of 11 and an atomic mass of 23 Sodium has A 12 neutrons and 11 protons B 12 protons and 11 neutrons C 12 electrons and 11 neutrons D 12 protons and 11 electrons E 12 electrons and 11 protons 18 The chemical properties of an atom are determined by its A protons B electrons C neutrons D protons and neutrons E particles 19 Sodium which has an atomic number of 11 will react with chlorine which has an atomic number of 17 When these two atoms react both become stable To become stable sodium will while chlorine will A accept one electron give up one electron B give up one proton accept one proton C share one electron with chlorine share one electron with sodium D become an anion become a cation E give up one electron accept one electron 20 Consider oxygen which has an atomic number of 8 and an atomic mass of 16 How many valence electrons does it have A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8 E 16 21 Oxygen has an atomic number of eight When two oxygen atoms come together they form a n bond A hydrogen B nonpolar covalent C polar covalent D ionic E Van der Waals 22 When table salt sodium chloride NaCl is placed in water A Na and Cl form ionic bonds with each other B Na and Cl form polar covalent bonds with each other C Na and Cl form hydrogen bonds with water D Ionic bonds between Na and Cl are broken E Na and Cl become separated by their Van der Waals forces 23 The bonding properties of an atom are determined by its A electrons B protons C positrons D neutrons E photons 24 What type of bond attracts one water molecule to another A an ionic bond B a peptide bond C a hydrogen bond D a covalent bond E a hydrolytic bond 25 Which of these is a cation A O2 B K C Na D Ca2 E Cl26 account for 98 5 of the body s weight A Carbon oxygen hydrogen sodium potassium and chlorine B Carbon oxygen iron sodium potassium and chlorine C Carbon nitrogen hydrogen sodium potassium and chlorine D Carbon oxygen hydrogen nitrogen sodium and potassium E Carbon oxygen hydrogen nitrogen calcium and phosphorus 27 Varieties of elements called differ from one another only in number of neutrons and therefore in atomic mass A cations B anions C isotopes D electrolytes E free radicals 28 When you jump off a high diving board into water you notice great resistance of water This resistance is called and is caused by water s great A surface tension adhesiveness B surface tension cohesiveness C hydrophobic tension adhesiveness D hydrophilic tension cohesiveness E hydrophilic tension adhesiveness 29 Which of these is hydrophobic A sugar B K C ClD water E fat 30 Consider a mixture of blood which contains sodium chloride protein and cells or formed elements The sodium chloride is in a n the protein is in a n and the cells are in a A emulsion solution suspension B solvent emulsion colloid C colloid suspension solution D suspension colloid solution E solution colloid suspension 31 Which of these is the most appropriate to express number of molecules per volume A molarity B volume C percentage D weight per volume E milliequivalents per liter 32 A solution with pH 4 has the H concentration of a solution with pH 8 A B twice C 4 times D 10 000 times E 1 10 000 33 Which of these has the highest H concentration A lemon juice pH 2 3 B red wine pH 3 2 C tomato juice pH 4 7 D saliva pH 6 6 E household ammonia pH 10 8 34 Blood has a pH ranging from 7 35 to 7 45 Slight deviations from this can cause major problems even death You are doing an intense workout and your skeletal muscle cells are producing metabolic acids such as lactic acid Your blood pH does not drop significantly in spite of the metabolic acids released into the blood You maintain a constant blood pH because A metabolic acids are neutralized in muscle cells before released into the blood B metabolic bases are produced at the same rate by muscle cells to neutralize the acids C the respiratory system removes excess H from the blood before the pH is lowered D the body contains chemicals called buffers that resist changes in pH E endothelial cells secrete excess H to prevent a decrease in pH 35 A solution that resists a change in pH when acid or base is added to it is A a buffer B a catalyst C a reducing agent D an oxidizing agent E a colloid 36 Any chemical reaction that removes electrons from an atom is called A reduction B condensation C hydrolysis D anabolism E oxidation 37 The most relevant free energy in human physiology is the energy stored in A electrolytes ionized in water B free radicals with an odd number of electrons C radioisotopes D the chemical bonds of organic molecules E Van der Waals forces 38 The breakdown of glycogen an energy storage compound is an example of a n reaction A exergonic B endergonic C exchange D synthesis E equilibrium 39 When ATP breaks down to ADP potential energy stored in bonds is released This energy stored in bonds is energy A electromagnetic B electrical C chemical D heat E kinetic 40 Glucose is broken down in most of your cells to form carbon dioxide oxygen and the energy …

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