TAMU ENGL 210 - Techincal Writing Chapter 2 notea

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Techincal Writing Course 210 406 CHAPTER 2 Behavioral Theories Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Self attempting Self Actualizing Actualizing exampleexample Learning Learning attempting to to further further a a greater greater education education Ego Ego Needs Needs ExampleExample a a new new car car dying dying of of the the hair hair Social Needs Social Needs examplesexamples social social interaction interaction going going out out meeting meeting up up with with friends friends Security Security and and safety safety Needs Needs Psychological Needs ExampleExample food food water water Psychological Needs survival survival Johari Window Trust Leads to Reciprocal Sharing NOT KNOWN TO SELF KNOWN TO SELF Isolater Facilitator Dominator KNOWN BY OTHERS Harmonizer Free Rider Record Keeper Detractor Record Keeper Digressor Airhead NOT KNOWN BY OTHERS Socializer NEGATIVE Free or Open Areas Blind Areas Reporter Leader POSITIVE Hidden Areas McGregor s Management Styles THEORY X Minimize distractions Get in touch with Speaker Show active listening do not interrupt Ask reflective questions Send probing prompts EX go on or OH yeah What else Use lag time wisely Unknown Areas THEORY Y EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE Dislikes work likes a challenge narrow few talent Wide range of talent do as little work as Motivated to work possible independently is enforced to do work

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TAMU ENGL 210 - Techincal Writing Chapter 2 notea

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