VCU ANTH 103 - Pawlowicz- Syllabus- Intro to Anthropology, VCU Fall 2014

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Anthropology 103 Introduction to Anthropology MWF 3 00 3 50 Academic Learning Commons 2100 Dr Matthew Pawlowicz mcpawlowicz vcu edu Office Hours W 12 30 1 30 Lafayette 308 or by appointment IA This class serves as an introduction to the discipline of anthropology exploring the diverse sorts of things anthropologists study and how they study them The goals set for students in this course include 1 learning the basic terminology and concepts of all of the subfields of anthropology 2 considering the similarities and differences within and between different human cultures and in so doing 3 working to appreciate and better understand perspectives and world views different from your own even if you don t agree with them Teaching Philosophy and Conduct of the Course I believe that the most successful classrooms are those in which students are engaged in active learning Because of the nature of the course large enrollment and the material new to you there will be a fair amount of lecture from me However I also request your input on some of the topics which interest you and which we can then emphasize as well as relevant external information and outside resources that you are familiar with Students will also be expected to flesh out a hopefully broad range of examples we use to illustrate anthropological concepts from geographic regions of their interest In this fashion I seek your thoughtful contribution to the course each day rather than your mere presence in a classroom which is also expected however Such engagement may require a bit of additional work on each of our parts but it will be worth it Responsibilities The chief requirement for success in this course is an engagement with the material Such engagement is demonstrated through a careful study of the assigned readings using the online Connect platform regular attendance and cooperative participation in classroom activities and in your group Readings should be completed before the class meeting for which they are assigned Group activities will take place both inside and outside of class Occasional unannounced quizzes may also take place throughout the semester if need be I am available during the day via email before 6 and am happy to meet with students by appointment Assignments 1 Tests 30 Every four weeks there will be a non cumulative test over the material covered since the last test or for the first test the beginning of class This works out to three tests each worth 10 The format of the tests will include some matching true false multiple choice and short answer 2 Final 20 The final will be cumulative A study guide will be prepared in advance of the final 3 Group Work 10 Over the course of the semester you will work in small groups ca 5 students to inform the rest of the class about case studies for our anthropological concepts from different parts of the world more specific information will be forthcoming This work throughout the semester will be worth 10 of your final grade 4 Final Project 20 You will also have a final in depth presentation of some aspect of anthropology that most interests you You are strongly encouraged to work in a group though based on past experience this is no longer a requirement You will present in the last weeks of class for 10 of the final grade rubric will be distributed in advance The grade on this project will determined thusly one quarter on the evaluation of the other groups with a bonus for the favorite project one quarter on a self evaluation including evaluation of each member s participation in the group half on evaluation by the instructional staff 5 Participation and Reading 20 This portion of your grade will be made up of attendance and participation during in class activities 10 and completion of reading assignments on the Connect platform 10 Required Texts 1 Kottak Phillip Conrad 2013 Anthropology Appreciating Human Diversity 15 th Edition New York McGraw Hill The text is available at the VCU Bookstore and there is an associated online resource center at http highered mcgraw hill com 2 Additional reading assignments see schedule may be posted on Blackboard Statements for Syllabi and Blackboard Pages Fall 2014 Please place the student relevant information on your course Blackboard pages or syllabi The topics include 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VCU Email Policy VCU Honor System Upholding Academic Integrity Student Conduct in the Classroom Students with Disabilities Statement on Military Short Term Training or Deployment Excused Absences for Students Representing the University Campus Emergency Information Important Dates VCU Mobile Class Registration Required for Attendance Withdrawal from Classes Student Financial Responsibility VCU Email Policy Email is considered an official method for communication at VCU because it delivers information in a convenient timely cost effective and environmentally aware manner Students are expected to check their official VCU email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of university related communications The university recommends checking email daily Students are responsible for the consequences of not reading in a timely fashion university related communications sent to their official VCU student email account This policy ensures that all students have access to this important form of communication It ensures students can be reached through a standardized channel by faculty and other staff of the university as needed Mail sent to the VCU email address may include notification of university related actions including disciplinary action Please read the policy in its entirety http www ts vcu edu kb 3407 html VCU Honor System Upholding Academic Integrity The VCU Honor System policy describes the responsibilities of students faculty and administration in upholding academic integrity while at the same time respecting the rights of individuals to the due process offered by administrative hearings and appeals According to this policy Members of the academic community are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity In addition All members of the VCU community are presumed to have an understanding of the VCU Honor System and are required to Agree to be bound by the Honor System policy and its procedures Report suspicion or knowledge of possible violations of the Honor System Support an environment that reflects a commitment to academic integrity Answer truthfully when

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VCU ANTH 103 - Pawlowicz- Syllabus- Intro to Anthropology, VCU Fall 2014

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