Lecture 9 ANTH 170c1 Outline of Last Lecture I II Where we came from Now we ll focus on III Subsistence Strategies IV Foragers V Economics VI Pastoralists VII Trivers Willard hypothesis VIII IX Naturalistic Fallacy Pastoralists Social structure Outline of Current Lecture I Horticulture II Social structure III Agriculture IV Bridewealth vs Dowry V India dowry female infanticide Current Lecture Title Agriculture I Horticulture A Emerged around 10 000 years ago B Economics 1 Men hunt and take part in heavy labor 2 Women do most of the agriculture work 3 Families cooperate on activities such as clearing fields and building homes hunting II Social structure A Less mobile possess more wealth B Men generally control resources C Polygyny occurs D Population densities increase E Food sharing is common III Agriculture A Large scale farming B Specialization in different types of occupations 1 Farmers productive C Other types of occupation D Diet 1 Wheat rice barley corn 2 Supplemented with meat fruit and vegetables 3 This diet has the potential to feed large numbers of people large populations Society 4 Large complex societies Policemen constitutions military etc 5 High variation in social statues 6 Food producers generally have the lowest social statues E Settlement patterns and economics A Permanent settlements B More material possessions 1 No need for mobility 2 Manny individuals making materials C Healthy stratified D For much of history men in agricultural societies have controlled most of the wealth 1 Women have had low social status 2 Why do you think this is Fewer opportunities to gain skills and wealth Women tied to childcare E This is changing in modern societies 1 Women have fewer children IV Bridewealth vs Dowry A When a man can control enough resources to support several wives and their children he will try to do this and buy wives with bridewealth B When a man can only support one wife and her family but there is still a lot of variance in wealth between males wives will compete for husbands and pay a dowry V India dowry female infanticide A India and china Agriculture B Large variation in wealth monogamous C When a small percentage of individuals possess wealth there is his competition to marry a wealthy individuals D Men control wealth E Having daughters is expensive loss of wealth
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