League of Nations 4 November 2011 Created by Americans to be global security system o Never global Many successes small outbreaks didn t turn to major war If League agreed acts of aggression were happening against a member all states will respond according to size capacity collective security deterrence 63 states at peak o Germany negotiates way in USSR joins o States come and go By 1931 ability to succeed begins to diminish General Weaknesses Structure 1 too legal yes no decisions not sensitive to power Structure 2 too strict needed unanimity o Too difficult to obtain Membership never universal League begins to fail o 1931 1945 Japan invades Manchuria China o League condemns Japans simply withdraws from League League never goes to war 1935 Italy invades Ethiopia fear major war with Italy economic sanctions against Italians Rise of Nazi Germany appeasement of Hitler at Munich Sudetenland o 1938 Germany withdraws from League 1939 WWII United Nations basic fundaments in place by 1944 while war still going Discussions begin by 1940 critical in noting its progression June 1941 London Declaration Europeans fighting against Nazis brought together to discuss institution August 1941 Atlantic Charter Discuss London Declaration o Wilson tells Churchill we need UN War s outcome is uncertain January 1942 UN Declaration alliance built around UN principles 26 nations Teheran 1943 Big 3 acknowledge UN Bretton Woods NH 1944 DDay o Established economic structure of UN IMF IBRD intnl bank of reconstruction development World Bank 1 Starting to be successful in war 2 Roosevelt Churchill note economic problems may have caused war a Hyperinflation lack of exchange rate tariffs as punishment o Tried to create ITO intnl trade org failed by US Senate Dumbarton Oaks DC creates formal structure of UN o o World court secretariat bureaucracy UN Gen Assembly 1 state 1 vote UN Securite Council important step against problems in 1919 1920 Takes power into consideration We need big states but we can t force them therefore give them choices Permanent members veto
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