Lecture 8 ANTH 170c1 Outline of Last Lecture I I Watch video Gun Germs and Steel Outline of Current Lecture I Where we came from II Now we ll focus on III Subsistence Strategies IV Foragers V Economics VI Pastoralists VII Trivers Willard hypothesis VIII Naturalistic Fallacy IX Pastoralists Social structure Current Lecture Title Modern Human Variation I Where we came from A We ve learned about a A single celled Organisms mammals primate ape bi pal large brained ape hominin B Traits acquired from our primate ancestors a Prehensile hands with opposable thumbs big brains slow development singleton births high investments in offspring flexible hip and shoulder joints good color vision C The types of social behaviors that should be selected for II Now we ll focus on A Variation in modern humans a Why certain cultures acquired wealth more quickly than others III Subsistence Strategies A Foraging B Pastoralism C Horticulture D Agriculture IV Foragers A Gather food and hunt prey B All nonhuman primates C Human Foraging patterns similar for at least last 200 000 years probably last 2 million years V Economics A Men hunt butcher animals variation in time spent child rearing B Women gather cook and take care of children C Why Women have children and have to breast feed them and raise the hunting involves lots of traveling D Few material possessions E Food sharing is common F Social factors that promote food sharing V Foraging lifestyle A Groups a Several families husbands wives parents children b composition fluctuates c Bands several groups that associate irregularly d Cooperation and reciprocity VI Pastoralists A Arose 6 9 kya B Raise animals C Pastoralists diet a Rarely eat their animals b Instead i Milk cheese yogurt blood c When an animal is slaughtered it is generally shared with individuals on other families d Leads to patterns D Pastoralists Economics a Men own and care for animals b Women rear children take care of shelters homes c Groups often depend on resources from non pastoralist d Within societies there is variation in wealth in terms of size of livestock herd flock VII Trivers Willard hypothesis A Males have greater reproductive potential B Females demonstrate less variation in reproductive success VIII Naturalistic Fallacy A Fallacy What occurs in nature is what ought to be what is right B There is no ought or right in nature biology a These concepts are found in philosophy C Individuals have traits that promote a Their ability to pass on their genes D Polygyny is found in societies where having multiple wives can increase a man s RS IX Pastoralists Social structure A Families are patrilocal females leave their natal group when they marry and live with their husband s family B Polygyny is common A man marries multiple wives
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