UA ANTH 170C1 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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Exam 1 Study Guide ANTH 170c1 Early Evolution BM Anatomically modern humans Homo sapiens first appeared approximately a 20 million years ago b 2 million years ago c 200 000 years ago d 20 000 years ago SG Biological anthropology examines what factors in the selection of 1 how species look 2 how species bodies function and 3 how species act 1 morphology 2 physiology 3 behavior SG Primates first appeared a 4 6 billion years ago b 1 5 billion years ago c 55 million years ago d 200 000 years ago SG Biological anthropology is concerned with studying all of the following EXCEPT a ecology b philosophy c genetics d behavior Adaptation and Natural Selection BM True False Evolutionary change is always a very slow gradual process that takes place over millions of years BM Natural selection a acts on existing variation among individuals within a population b creates new traits that allow a species to survive environmental change c is unidirectional and changes in traits cannot be reversed d all of the above BM Natural selection acts on the while evolution acts on the a population individual b species individual c species population d individual population GS When Darwin first proposed his theories few people accepted them This was because fill in the blanks 1 They believed that variation was due to divine creation 2 They thought that species did not change 3 The mechanisms of genetic inheritance had not yet been discovered GS The theory of natural selection states that organisms that are best able to and will become more numerous while those who are less able will decrease in number a adapt survive b survive reproduce c reproduce evolve d adapt evolve GS Through the process of adaptation an organism actively changes to suit its environment True False GS Fill in the following terms to complete this sentence adaptations random existing variation natural selection acts on This process produces traits that increase an organism s ability to survive and reproduce in their environment FD True False Whether a variation is distributed continuously or discontinuously within a population will not affect the evolutionary process FD True False Continuous variation is an initial condition not a process Primate Intro GS Bipedalism is a trait in humans relative to our last common ancestor with chimpanzees 1 derived 2 homologous 3 analogous 4 derived and homologous GS Bipedalism is a trait in humans and our hominin ancestors 1 derived 2 homologous 3 analogous 4 derived and homologous GS A homologous trait is similar in two or more species due to its presence in a common ancestor True False GS List three traits that distinguish primates as an Order from other mammals 1 2 3 Possible correct answers include Prehensile grasping hands and feet Nails instead of claws on the fingers Hind limb dominated locomotion Reduced olfaction smell and enhanced vision Forward facing eyes Smaller litters and longer gestation and juvenile periods relatively large brains GS Which of the following is NOT a member of the family Hominidea a Gorillas b Humans c Gibbons d Orangutans GS In order to understand how a trait evolved it is helpful to study a the environment in which it was selected for b other species that share this trait c other species in the same order that do not share this trait d All of the above BM Anthropologists study nonhuman primates because a homologous traits in humans and primates may give us more insight into the behavior of our ancestors than studying other species b similar organisms will be selected for in similar environments and the traits of living primate can be compared to those of our extinct ancestors to reveal information about the environment in which they lived c we are descended from monkeys d Both a and b BM Which of the following make marmosets and tamarins unique among primates a They are nocturnal b They give birth to twins c They have prehensile tails d They hunt other primates SG Lesser Apes aka Hylobatidae or gibbons have long arms that they use a to move under branches b suspensory feeding or locomotion c to brachiate d all of the above FD With which primates do humans share the most recent common ancestor a Chimps and Bonobos b Chimps and Gorillas c Gorillas and Orangutans d Gorillas and Baboons Altruism GS Chimp A grooms Chimp B who is not related to him Chimp B later shares fruit with Chimp A This is an example of a altruism b kin selection c reciprocal altruism d none of the above GS Humans are extreme cooperators Yet studies show that we are most likely to cooperate with those who are genetically related to us BM The two pillars of morality are reciprocity and empathy BM True False Kin selection requires repeated interactions with kin and the ability to distinguish kin from non kin BM Group selection is almost never a good explanation for altruistic behavior because a it requires conditions that are very rare b individuals who optimize their individual fitness are more likely to pass on their genes c kin selection and reciprocal altruism are usually better explanations d all of the above SG If you step in front of a bus and die to save your family when would this be adaptive a if you saved 3 full siblings b if you saved 3 grandparents c if you saved 5 step siblings d if you saved 1 son or daughter

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