UIUC BTW 250 - Information-Delivery Memo

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Memorandum To Patricia Sunia From Nirmal Patel Date February 26 2014 Re Information Delivery Memo To begin with after concluding my interview with Gagan Singh the secretary at United Trading Inc which is located in Elk Grove IL The interview took place on the phone around 3 00 PM and lasted about 20 minutes The secretary at this company gave me a lot of great feedback with all of the questions I had asked She was a very sincere and nice lady who was open to answering all of the questions that I brought up as well One of the questions I asked was what kind of writing do they typically do everyday They answered stating that they usually write memorandums to co workers to help them with day to day tasks In addition to that they respond to complain letters that are sent to them buy people who purchase their products and other businesses that sell their products as well The audience she writes for is almost always her co workers and bosses since they do not get that many complaint letters sent to them She also stated that once in a while they may also write good and bad response letters to the customers as well about the products they purchased too Prior to taking this job she had not taken any type of business writing course let alone any writing courses before she got the job She also did not attend any college classes and still hasn t since she has had this job All of the experience she has not with business writing was from the job she has and fellow co workers that trained her for this job She also told me about some of her writing advice for students which would be to take as many writing courses as you because when I am working I sometimes get lost or may not know something as well as someone who has a background in taking a business writing course I encourage people too also talk to some professionals that are working in this career field as well that can help people with some background experience that they have Further more she goes on to mention how she sets the tone of her writing depending on who the person she is writing to If she is writing back to a complaint letter that is ruder than usual then she will do the same back but still be as professional as possible If the complaint letter she writes is written nicely then she will do the same back For emails to fellow co workers she tends to write them in a friendly manner While on the other hand the memorandums are written as professional as possible She goes on to talk about how the audience influences her writing style a lot when she is responding to someone or when she is making a memorandum for her co workers She stated that looking at what writer states helps her write back in the same format In addition to that she states no matter what whenever she is writing she tries to stay as professional as possible while she is writing to anyone even her peers because she is in a professional environment In conclusion I believe taking a business technical writing course that I am currently in now would have been greatly beneficial to her in so many ways One of the ways that it would have been greatly beneficial was that we learn how to correctly write and format a memorandum throughout this class Not only that but we also discussed and did good news adjustment letters and bad news adjustment letters to help us prepare for a career field like this so that would have been beneficial to her as well I believe if she had taken a course like BTW 250 she would not have been so lost when she had started her career working for United Trading and she would not have needed to be trained by her co workers as much either Thank you for the opportunity for creating this portfolio and for helping us prepare for the career world where we might have to do these things in the future If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at npate211 illinois edu or call me at 630 415 7768 2

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UIUC BTW 250 - Information-Delivery Memo

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