ECU HIST 1051 - Final Exam Study Guide

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HIST 1051 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 12 16 Lecture 12 The Civil Rights Movement April 3 What was one of the major factors that prevented massive devastation of the United States during World War The fighting did not occur directly in the United States In addition the Atlantic Ocean provided a great barrier in making the U S geographically isolated from the war What court case overturned Plessy V Ferguson and legalized desegregation of schools Brown v Board of Education What are three examples of the ways in which African Americans actively fought for their civil rights Montgomery bus boycott Greensboro sit ins March on Washington Why did equality suddenly become important to Americans after WWII The war had changed the way Americans had previously thought about race The United States did not want to treat minority races as Hitler had treated those he deemed inferior races during WWII In addition African Americans had made great contributions fighting as soldiers in the war effort Terms Brown vs Board MLK Greensboro Sit ins GI Bill Baby Boom Rosa Parks Levittown Lecture 13 The Cold War April 10 What two nations fought against each other during the Cold War and what type of government did each represent The United States fought against the Soviet Union The U S had a capitalist government individual ownership and free enterprise and the Soviet Union had a communist government government ownership What did each nation hope to gain in their victory of the Cold War Each nation hoped to gain global domination and world influence What happened to Germany after WWII Germany was divided in half The U S controlled one half and the Soviet Union controlled the other What was the name of the wall that split the communist side of Germany and the capitalist side of Germany The Iron Curtain What was the term used to describe the United States method of fighting off the spread of communism by limiting it to the places in which the practice was already in place Containment What was the arms race The arms race was a race between the U S and the Soviet Union to develop nuclear weapons Because of the amount of nuclear weapons that the U S and the Soviet Union had the two nations knew that it would be useless to go to war with each other even as tensions rose during the Communist Revolution The development of nuclear weapons in the U S caused a panic among many Americans known as the Red Scare Terms Red Scare Iron Curtain Yalta Containment NATO Cuban Missile Crisis Korean War Marshall Plan HUAC Lecture 14 A Great Society April 14 Like Kennedy Lyndon Johnson also believed in fighting for issues such as Helping the poor and fighting in the Cold War and fighting Communism Johnson s plan to make America a better society was known as The Great Society Johnson believed that the government could benefit all Americans and make society better What were three popular social movement that took place around the 1960s The Environmental Movement the Feminist Movement and consumer advocacy The Environmentalist Movement was inspired by Rachael Carson s book Silent Springs Supporters of the movement argued for greater regulation of factories to prevent them from ruining the environment The Feminist Movement was inspired by the African American Movement and was described in Betty Friedan s book The Feminist Mystique Many women had become bored with the daily rituals of being housewives and desired to have more authority and to work outside the home Ralph Nader was a large supporter of consumer advocacy looking out for the interests of the consumer He wrote a book titled Unsafe at Any Speed in which he described how major corporations took advantage of consumers by charging excessively high prices for products that were faulty and poorly constructed During the Vietnam War Vietnam was divided into the South and the North Which two nations supported each of the territories The Soviet Union supported the North which had a communist government The United States supported the South which had a capitalist government Terms Election of 1960 Great Society Domino Theory Camelot Rachel Carson Ralph Nader Lecture 15 The 1970s April 22 What was one of the major reasons for the split among the Democratic Party in 1968 leading many Democrats to join the Republican side After WWII more and more Democrats began to favor Civil Rights They believed that African Americans deserved to be treated with equality just as whites were However some Democrats especially Southern Democrats did not support the idea Many of these Southern Democrats left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party Many Southern Democrats also left the party because they did not support the Democratic presidential nominee Humphrey Who won the 1968 election and what are some reasons for his victory Richard Nixon won the election A large part of Nixon s success was his appeal to white Southern males and his advocacy for state s rights In contrast Democrats argued for federal rights What were two popular social movements of the 1970s that challenged Nixon s policy of social conservatism One of the popular movements was the New Women s Movement Supporters of the movement argued for a change in family roles This greatly challenged social conservatives model of the traditional family Another popular movement during the 1970s was the Youth and Counterculture Movement Supporters of this movement adopted many behaviors that opposed many of the values of social conservatives such as homosexuality listening to explicit music watching explicit movies and opposition to the Vietnam War What effect did the TET Offensive have on American citizens belief in the U S government Prior to the TET Offensive Americans were being told that the United States was winning the Vietnam War However the U S suffered major embarrassment after the surprise attack in 1968 After Americans discovered they had been lied to by the government many Americans and the media began to distrust the government Many Americans began to question the purpose of the war What was the major scandal that marked Nixon s presidency The major scandal was the Watergate Scandal Several men were caught breaking into the Watergate office building and planting bugging equipment to spy on Democratic Party Nixon claimed that he had no idea about the incident However two reporters found evidence that Nixon was involved Nixon was accused of bugging his political opponents and he was forced to resign What was the

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