Week 1 History and Fundamental Principles Part 2 CS 100 PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTING Dr Ghada Abdelmoumin TOPICS AND AGENDA Piazza Signup Update Transistors Issues Concerns Know your syllabus Bits and Bytes Boolean Logic Logic Gates Stored program Architecture Great Inventors Early Computing Devices Model K Adder ABC ENIAC Manchester Baby BITS AND BY TES Gottfried Leibniz 1646 1716 Image Wikipedia Pillars of the binary numeral system Described as the computer language also known as the machine language Used to encode data information and instructions Considered a measurement units to measure data and information Data and information are stored in bytes B and encoded in bits b Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz a scientist and mathematician who invented the binary system debated It was not been used until 1940 Since 1940 the binary system has become the basis for electronic digital computers Sources Communication of the ACM BOOLEAN LOGIC George Boole A form of Algebra where all values are either true or false The true and false values are used to 1815 1864 make decisions The instructions or commands given to the computer and how they work are based on Boolean logic Source scienceDirect BBC Images Wikipedia BBC George Boole pioneered the application of mathematical ideas to logic He introduced the use of 0 and 1 in logic His work is connected with the development of modern logic LOGIC GATES George Boole Almost every other line of a computer program has a Boolean statement Michael Dunn iOS and Android Developer 1815 1864 Image Wikipedia A gate is a concept used by George Boole thought about the impact his Boole to probe an individual statement the answer of which is a Boolean yes or no The most basic three gates are AND OR and NOT Create logic gates Source BBC logic could have on science when he told a friend The most valuable if not the only valuable contribution that I have made or am likely to make to science and the thing by which I would desire if at all to be remembered hereafter TRANSISTORS John Bardeen William Shockley Walter Brattain The main components of the computer s chips Semi conducting devices that act as switches by allowing the current to flow through to represent 1 and blocking the it from flowing through to represent 0 The alternative would have been the vacuum tube that made computers gigantic and slow compared todays computers Enabled the chips to execute instructions in GHz billions of instructions per second The Invention That Changed the World Led to the miniaturization of computers The scientists who invented the transistors in 1947 Image Wikipedia MODEL K ADDER George Stibitz Model K Adder A simple circuit invented by George Stibitz A proof of concept for applying Boolean logic to the design of computers Led to the construction of the relay based Model Complex Calculator in 1939 Called Model K because George assembled it on his kitchen table Source CHM 1904 1995 1937 Images Wikipedia ABC COMPUTER Atanasoff Berry ABC Computer A machine designed and built by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry The first special purpose electronic digital computer to solve linear equations A successful small prototype was built in 1939 to test two design ideas capacitors to store data in binary and electronic logic circuits to perform addition and subtraction The construction of the small prototype has led to the construction of the ABC a larger and more general purpose computer Source CHM and Britannica Iowa State University 1937 1942 Images Timetoast and CHM STORED PROGRAMS John Van Neumann John Neumann a mathematician introduced the notion of a stored program Outlined the architecture of a stored program computers including storing data and programs electronically Eliminated the need to use clumsy methods plugboards and punch cards and paper He developed the architecture of the IAS machine 1903 1957 Images Wikipedia Interestingly to know he developed the merge sort algorithms and Published a paper in 1947 titled Planning and Coding Problems for an electronic computing instrument Source CHM Wikipedia and IAS Merge Sort Flowchart MANCHESTER BABY Fredrick Williams and Tom Kilburn A small scale experimental machine built by Frederic Williams Tom Kilburn and Geoff Toothill Built to test a new memory technology that was the first high speed electronic random access memory for computers A digital electronic stored program computer that ran the first computer program The program which was written by Kilburn and ran in 1948 consisted of seventeen instructions Source CHM First Program to Run on a Computer Images CHM THE ENIAC Presper Eckert John Mauchly ENIAC stands for electronic numerical integrator and computer Calculated missiles trajectories Built by John Mauchly and Presper Eckert starting in 1943 An electronic computer which was 1000 times faster than any previous computer occupied more than 1 000 square feet used about 18 000 vacuum tubes and weighed 30 tons Used panel to panel wiring and switches for programming Source CHM University of Pennsylvania Images CHM SUMMARY Data is encoded using bits and stored using bytes A byte is a measure of how much data to store send retrieve or process The binary system is the basis for electronic digital computers Boolean logic which is used to make decisions is a form of Algebra where all values are either true or false The instructions given to the computer are based on Boolean Logic A logic gate is used to probe an individual statement yielding a yes or no answer Transistors which are used to make a chip used to create logic gate Transistors enabled the chips to execute instructions in billions per second SUMMARY The Model K Adder is a proof of concept of applyingg Boolean logic ABC is the first special purpose digital computer John Van Neumann outlined the architectures of stored program Manchester Baby is a digital electronic stored program computer that ran the first computer program ENIAC used panel to panel wiring and switches for programming
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