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Week 2 Bits and Logic Part 1 CS 100 PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTING Dr Ghada Abdelmoumin TOPICS AND AGENDA Piazza Signup Update Issues Concerns Late Assignment Policy Module 1 Recap Highlights from Chapter 4 Module 2 Assignments Update Digital Circuits Transistors Moore s Law Digital Information Encoding Schemes MODULE 1 RECAP Alan Turing s abstract machines revered as the model of general computers were the purpose formalizing cornerstone the algorithms and concepts computation very the foundation of computer science shaping of in Gottfried Leibniz s libe nuhts binary numeral system a groundbreaking invention has become the cornerstone of electronic digital computers George Boole s Boolean logic the instructions bedrock of computer stands as a testament to his profound influence shaping the very essence of how computers operate Boolean logic led to the realization of logic gates which have become the building blocks for digital circuits MODULE 1 RECAP George Stibitz Model K Adder proved is of that Boolean in concept fundamental to computers logic design logic the Early computers were special purpose computers with no stored programs that solved a particular problem e g differential equations aerodynamic calculations etc a Atanasoff and Berry s computer groundbreaking ABC was invention marking the first concept of a special purpose electronic computer This was a significant leap in the evolution of computers paving the way for future innovations It was followed by Presper and Mauchly s ENIAC digital computer which was in practicality the first general purpose computer MODULE 1 RECAP John Van Neumann s pioneering work on stored programs implemented by the Manchester Baby of William Kilburn and Tothill was a game changer in the evolution of computers It led to the realization of computers that can store data and programs a concept that is fundamental to modern computing While the work of these early pioneers led to the digital revolution a period marked by the widespread adoption of digital technology it was not until Bardeen Shockley and Brattain that computers became smaller faster and more powerful transistors invented The invention of transistors was a key milestone in the digital revolution as it allowed for the creation of smaller and more efficient electronic devices including computers SWITCHING Herman Hollerith Tabulation Machine Charles Babbage Analytical Engine Computers have evolved from mechanical and electromechanical to electrical and electronic and the future is promising an exciting new era of computing future to solve computers will be built problems using the speed of light opening up a world of possibilities this In The fundamental difference between past current and future innovations lies in how to represent the bits used to encode the data data instructions and information Switching is the key Optical Electronic Electrical Electromechanical Mechanical ENIAC Konrad Zuse Z3 Computer Images CHM IBM and Wikipedia GEARS Mechanical computers are constructed using gears wheels rods levers etc The Babbage historical marvel prototype for today s modern computers analytical engine is revered as a the The engine is designed to consist of four main components the mill the store the reader and the printer Britannica The mill functioning as a processor the store as memory the reader as the input device and the printer as the output device collectively power the Babbage analytical engine Keyword Switching To Represent Data Data is represented encoded based on the arrangements of gears The switches were mechanical gears Images CHM Michael Holzheu video RELAYS Elector mechanical computers are mechanical constructed components and electrical components such as switches and relay logic using The Konrad Zuse Z3 computer used 2 300 relay performed floating points binary arithmetic and has a 22 bit word length CHM The relays are used for logic and memory the gears and shafts for calculations and punch cards for input Quora Keyword Switching To Represent Data Data is represented encoded indirectly using electrical pulses The switches were electromechanical relays Image The Architecture of Z3 by Rojas Springer Publication CARD CIRCUITS Electrical computers are constructed using both mechanical and electrical components such as punch cards relays and electrical circuits or contacts The Hollerith Tabulation computer used punch cards and electrical circuit to detect the presence of an electrical charge Record 1 when there is a connection and 0 when there is no connection IBM The binary principle of ones and zeros is still used today in detecting the presence or absence of an electrical charge in semiconductors IBM Keyword Switching To Represent Data Data is represented encoded using mechanical electrical components The switches were a combination of punch cards relays and electrical circuits to detects holes on the cards Image The Hollerith Electrical Counting Machine IBM Keyword Switching to Represent Data Data is represented encoded using electrons In the vacuum tube and transistors computers the switching is electronic The switches are vacuum tubes and transistors respectively They control the flow of electric current DIGITAL CIRCUITS Today s electronic are transistorized computers they are constructed using electronic elements known as digital circuits which are made of transistors computers Some electronic computers of the past such as ENIAC used vacuum tubes and others such as TRADIC used transistors TRADIC was not as fast as the vacuum tube computers of the time PBS CHM Transistors replace vacuum tubes making transistorized computers not only smaller and faster and consuming less power than vacuum tube computers Images CHM TRANSISTORS Transistors are semiconductors used to signals and electrical manipulate power What are transistors How do they do math Computer chips are made of integrated circuits Today an integrated circuit is made of billion of transistors Image ROHM Semiconductor MOORE S LAW In 1965 Gordon Moore s co founder of Intel observed that the number of transistors integrated circuit doubles about every two years in an This observation has morphed into what we came to know as the Moore s law Moore s Law of Transistors The number of transistors in a chip is growing exponentially Image Our World In Data Transistors are the engines that powers every Intel chip Watch From Sand to Silicon MOORE S LAW The viability of the Moore s law and whether it is going to hold true in the

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