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MARK 3000 Principles of Marketing Welcome August 15 2024 Today we will cover What is marketing Course overview Syllabus eLC review Introduction exercise Preview of Chapter 1 What is marketing 3 Meeting customers needs profitably Be what your target needs when and where they need it and make money doing it 4 You must have the right product or service offering Customers need to be aware it exists Those products and services must be available at the right place and at the right time Meeting customers needs profitably Strategy Product development Branding Advertising Supply chain 5 Meeting customers needs profitably Marketing environment Segmentation Targeting Personal selling Decide who we are talking to Is this a B2B B2C or C2C environment Think about customers versus consumers are they different 6 Consumer behavior Marketing research Meeting customers needs profitably You must understand the points of tension in a customer s life How could your product or service add value 7 Meeting customers needs profitably Can this product or service make enough money to justify its existence Strategy Product development Pricing Global marketing 8 Marketing environment Segmentation Targeting Personal selling Consumer behavior Marketing research Meeting customers needs profitably Strategy Product development Branding Advertising Supply chain Pricing Global marketing 9 Course Overview Examine how organizations satisfy consumer needs Unpack how the elements of the marketing mix the 4Ps are used to achieve those objectives Review strategies and examples across both goods and services in both domestic and international contexts 10 Course Materials M Marketing 8E Dhruv Grewal ISBN 9781266743870 Must include Connect access Course Format Course will consist of lectures group exercises small group discussions and independent workbook assignments Course calendar lists recommended reading for each class meeting and SmartBook assignment due dates Please check the eLC regularly Looking ahead through August August 8 20 Overview of Marketing Chapter 1 8 22 Marketing Strategy Chapter 2 SmartBook assignments due 8 25 13 Looking ahead through August August 8 27 Ethics Chapter 4 8 29 Marketing Environment Chapter 5 SmartBook assignments due 9 2 LDW 14 Next class we will cover Value creation Goods vs services vs idea marketing Introduction to the 4Ps B2B vs B2C vs C2C marketing Thank you 16

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