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MARK 3000 TEST 3 Promotion communication by marketers that informs persuades and reminds potential buyers of a product in order to influence an opinion or elicit a response promotional mix advertising public relations sales promotion and personal selling consistency is important and combing the 4 P s IMC careful coordination of all promotional messages to assure the consistency of messages at every contact point where a company meets the consumer ex movies use this approach a lot tasks of promotion shows the consumer their product has an advantage a competitive advantage 1 informing stimulate interest in new product early life cycle 2 persuading emphasizes product s competitive advantage growth stage 3 reminding reminder you need the product maturity stage o informative promotion increase awareness explain how product works build company image o persuasive promotion encourage brand switching usually in introductory and or growth stage change customer s perceptions of product attributes influence immediate buying decision usually in growth and mature stage o reminder promotion remind customers that product may be needed remind customers where to buy product maintain customer loyalty normally in the mature stage How to accomplish the task the AIDA concept o AIDA model that outlines the process for achieving promotional goals in terms of stages of consumer involvement with message Advertising impersonal one way mass communication that is paid for my a marketer can reach large or small groups depending on the medium used MARK 3000 TEST 3 institutional advertising enhances a company s image rather than promotes a particular product promotes the company as a whole o corporate identity ex MasterCard priceless campaign UPS inequality ad Proctor and Gamble mom ad athletes in Olympics thanking mom for their support o advocacy advertising organization expresses its views on controversial issues or responds to media attacks to avid negative consumer attitudes about brand ex Phillip Morris don t smoke campaign product advertising touts the benefits of a specific good or service o pioneering informative stimulates primary demand for new product or product category introductory stage ex Apple teaser campaign only showing the picture of the IPhone o competitive persuasive focuses on features influences demand for a specific brand growth stage o comparative directly compares to competitor used if company is experiencing slow growth or enters market with a lot of competition ex Mac vs Pc commercial o reminder mostly household brand names Advertising Campaign series of related advertisements focused on common theme with a common Advertising objective specific communication task a campaign should accomplish for a specified target goal audience during a specific time 1 develop goals and objectives o DAGMAR approach states all advertisers goals should precisely define the target audience o everything you do should be related to the goal o budget objectives how much is to be spent o message what is to be accomplished AIDA model o sample advertising objective educate 15 of 18 30 year old men about the Gillette Fusion razor s benefits within the next 12 months MARK 3000 TEST 3 2 identify product benefits o sell the sizzle not the steak o sell product s benefits not its attributes o a benefit should answer what s in it for me 3 develop and evaluate advertising appeals o a reason for a person to buy a product o unique selling proposition desirable exclusive and believable advertising appeal selected as the theme for a campaign o advertising appeals profit health love sex fear admiration convenience fun and pleasure vanity an egotism emotional executional styles 4 execute the message o the way an ad portrays its information o must attract attention and interest but not distract from the content o model Executional Style Slice of life Lifestyle Spokesperson testimonial Fantasy Humorous Real animated Mood or image Description Depicts people in normal settings Ex Mcdonalds showing youngster munching on fries Shows how product fits with consumers life Ex Volkswagon shows how the Jetta moves though the streets of the French Quarter Can feature celebrity or someone making a testimonial Ex Sheryl Crow represents Revlon s hair coloring Creates fantasy for the viewer built around the use of the product Ex carmakers use this to have consumer fantasize about driving around long country roads Ex snickers campaign not going anywhere for a while with souls waiting forever to get into heaven Ex Energizer bunny Builds mood or image around product Ex DeBeers ads depicting shadowy MARK 3000 TEST 3 Demonstration Musical Scientific silhouettes and saying a diamond is forever Shows consumers expected benefit Ex commercials showing removal of laundry spots Conveys message through song Ex Nike commercial played you are so beautiful in the background while they depicted marathoners with tortured feet Use scientific research to give product superiority Ex Advil commercials 5 evaluate the campaign o post test measures o pretests measures are consumers likely to respond positively to the ad do consumers understand the ad did the ad meet its objectives goals what method of communication will be used in selecting media and schedule marketer must consider media types Major Advertising Media advantages and disadvantages Medium Newspapers Magazines Radio Television Internet Outdoor Media Advantages Disadvantages Geographic selectivity timeliness and flexibility Good reproduction can reach specific markets provides good market selectivity relatively long advertising life Low cost flexible selectivity can be scheduled short notice Wide variety of people specific audience depending on time low cost per thousand creative opportunity Interactive versatile platform for any age group moderate cost good at increasing brand awareness Flexible moderate cost repetition Not good for trying to reach specific markets lots of distractions from other print Long term advertiser commitments slow audience build up cost per contact is high No visual treatment short advertising life lots of distractions from other sounds Long lead times high campaign costs commercial clutter Ad exposure relies on click through not everyone has access to internet Short message distractions MARK 3000 TEST 3 Alternative Media marketers are always looking for new ways to reach consumer can include ads on shopping carts interactive kiosks in malls posters in bathrooms etc

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