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Examples of functions of several aanctionota vari IT f function that a instead of 1 consists ie fix y of 2 variables ex 29 IE 5 a function of 3 variables fix y z A store sells a and margarine at sale of from the sounds of margarine Determine fix g 2 50 2001300 2 501200 interpret 1 409 at 2 50 perpound butter 1 to per pound pounds of butter and y The revenue 2 50 1 409 is given by ffx ge f 200 300 4 1140130 500 420 920 f2o the revenue from tmsm of butter and 300 lbs of margaring Thinkabout abuilding heat loss perday a A rectangular industrial building x y Z The dimensions given amount of heat loss per day by each side a E Net kg the total daily heat loss for This building Heatloss Area a Find a roof formula for loss sq foot fix y z of area roof in sq ft heat 10 xy loxy loxy f X y Z 8yz 6yZ 10 2 5 2 y 151zftotalda ly 1149t14yz heat loss b Find the total daily heat loss if the building has length 100 ft width 70 ft 14 70 50 1111007170 f 100 70 50 a height so ft 1511001150 75000 49000 77000 201 00014N as found A Economists f x y have Cx y p Cobb Douglas OLACI productionfunctiondxlab ir that the function A c constants a capital certain time period the number of goods produced when utilizing units of capital is y 60 be produced by of goods will labor and 16 units of capital units a During a units of of labor and y f x y a How many units units of using 81 60 81441161 6015817 To 60 27 12 3240 7181 16 3240 units of goodsprodu show whenever b capital being used production let a b ft A b units of labor units of capital 60 a b 2 4 y the amounts of labor a the so is 20 2b 2 f a b doubled are show f 2 60 29 go 2314944 2 60 2314 14 b 2 a b b I 2160846 I 2 f a b If a b t F de fxyinaa y dimcarve I fly y a o cure y plane called in Icurethight curve function a Determine the level the production for 60 4y 600 fly y 4 solve for y y 10 114 1 4 x ty fix g at height 600 y 3 fixy 60 it na 9 144 1

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