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Mastering HTML Basics and Beyond Your Ultimate Guide to Begin Web Development HTML Hypertext Mark up Language topic using Markdown HTML Hypertext Mark up Language HTML is the standard mark up language for creating web pages and web applications With HTML you can create the structure and content of a web page Key Concepts Tags HTML uses tags to identify and format the various types of content on a web page Tags are placed between and characters For example the tag is used to define a paragraph Elements An HTML element is a combination of a tag and its content The content is the information or text between the opening and closing tags For example a paragraph in HTML would include the tag the paragraph content and the closing tag Attributes HTML elements can have attributes which are added to the opening tag Attributes provide additional information about the element and are used to customize or configure the behaviour of the element For example the attribute is used to specify the link address for a hyperlink in the tag Doctype An HTML document should always start with a declaration which specifies the document type definition DTD to use for the document This tells the web browser how to interpret the HTML code HTML5 HTML5 is the latest version of HTML which includes new features and improvements for creating modern web applications HTML5 includes new tags for multimedia graphics and interactive elements

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Anna CS 3291 - Mastering HTML Basics

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