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Homework 2 1 What evidence exists to show when where horses were first domesticated 2 Why is the Great Boston Fire of 1872 blamed on horses 3 What is the Morrill Land Grant and why is it important for you now 4 Why don t I like there being almost 16 of the horses in the US being used for breeding 5 What is the difference between the infundibulum and the dental star How it appears on the horse Inside the tooth 6 Why is aging by dentition not a perfect science 7 How old is this horse How can you tell 8 How old is this horse approximately How can you tell What else would be visible at his occlusal surface 9 How old is this horse How can you tell 10 A horse is 68 inches long and has a 72 inch heart girth How much does he weigh in KILOGRAMS 11

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