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Complete Randomized Design CRD by Dr Mahamood Usman Khan Ph D IIT ISM Dhanbad M Phil M Sc AMU Completely Randomized Design Example Understanding Analysis of CRD Alternate form of the arrangement of data Hypothesis In order to derive the test for least squares principle 0H we choose to demonstrate the use of the ANOVA TABLE of CRD where n 1i in MSTr SSE 1 MSE SSE n Under the null hypothesis ie that all si are not equal 0 H 1 2 against the alternative hypothesis The test statistics is F T MSTr MSE F 1 n if and FF FFif 1 n 1 n then then eject R Accept H H 0 0 ie If the calculated value of F is greater than the tabulated value of F at the given level of significance then we reject the null hypothesis otherwise we accept the null hypothesis Example ThankYou

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VIT MAT 2001 - Complete Randomized Design (CRD)

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