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Latin Square Design LSD Latin Square Design In Latin square design LSD the experimental material is divided into rows and columns each having the same number of experimental units which is equal to the number of treatments LSD is defined for eliminating the variation of two factors called row and column in this The treatments are arranged in two directions The number of treatments is equal to the number of replications The effect of the double grouping is to eliminate from the errors all differences among the rows and equally all differences among the columns LSD provide more opportunity than RBD for the reduction of errors by skilful planning A useful method of eliminating fertility variations by controlling in two perpendicular This increases the cost of experimentation and the required number of experimental units design directions over RBD 2 Layout of LSD In this design the number of treatments is equal to the number of replications Thus in case of m treatments there have to be m m m experimental units The whole of the experimental area is divided into m experimental units plots arranged in a square so that each row as well each column contain m units The m treatments are allocated at random to these rows and columns in such a way that every treatment occurs only once in each row and in each column Such a layout is LSD A B C D E B C D E A C D E A B D E A B C E A B C D 2 2 layout 3 3 layout 4 4 layout 5 5 layout Write them in rows and columns and choose rows for drivers columns for cars and letter for petrol brands Thus 16 observations are recorded as per this plan of treatment combination and further analysis is carried out Since such design is based on Latin square so it is called as a Latin square design Another Example An animal feeding experiment where the column groups may corresponding with initial weight and the row group with age Analysis of LSD ANOVA TABLE Soul of Analysis Hypothesis Example Solution KEY Solution KEY Thank You

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VIT MAT 2001 - Latin Square Design (LSD)

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