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Chi square test 2 by Dr Mahamood Usman Khan Ph D IIT ISM Dhanbad M Phil M Sc AMU Test for Independence of Attributes Chi Square test is used whether there is statistically significant difference between the observed frequencies and expected frequencies General Formula Calculating 2 r number of rows c number of columns df degree of freedom n total frequency where n is ij is e ij is n i n is j th the the the the observed pected ex total total row row iof frequency frequency iof th iof row jof column th frequency frequency th and and th th j j column column 22 Contingency Table Observed Frequency a c b d Expected Frequency Chi square test Example Example a References Gupta S C and Kapoor V K 2002 Fundamental of Statistics Sultan Chand and Sons ThankYou

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VIT MAT 2001 - Chi-square -test

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