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Large Sample Z test Test n 30 by Dr Mahamood Usman Khan Ph D IIT ISM Dhanbad M Phil M Sc AMU for Z test Attributes Z test is used to test the significance for the large samples i e if Variables and 30 n Variables Test Statistics in general under 0H Z tEt tES Attributes Z test for Means Single and Two Z test for Single mean One sample Z test for means is one of the statistical techniques used for testing hypothesis related to whether the sample belongs to a population Test Statistics Here is known where 2 s x i 2 x 1 n n i 1 Example 3 Z test for difference of means two sample Test Statistics Z test for Single Proportion Right pH p 0 p pHvs tail 1 Under 0H p hypothetical value of population proportion X n Under null hypothesis 0H isX the number of successes Z test Two Proportions Test Statistics ThankYou

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VIT MAT 2001 - Z-test

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