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Normal Distribution Gaussian Distribution Presented by Dr MAHAMOOD USMAN Khan Ph D IIT ISM Dhanbad Ph D IIT ISM Dhanbad M Phil M Sc AMU M Phil M Sc AMU Discussion 1 Discussion 1 The normal distribution is an extremely important continuous probability density function The normal distribution and the distributions associated with it are very tractable analytically The normal distribution has the familiar bell shape whose symmetry makes it an appealing choice for many population models The normal distribution can be used to approximate a large variety of distributions in large samples Central Limit Theorem Probability distribution function Normal Probability distribution function Normal The probability mass function of normal distribution is Role of Role of Instant View of Normal Probability Area Instant View of Normal Probability Area Perspective of Sigma 68 area covers at the point of inflexion under the normal Point of Inflexion 95 area covers at the point under the normal 2 99 area covers at the point under the normal 3 Mean is fixed Standard Normal Distribution Standard Normal Distribution Conversion of Normal distribution Standard Normal distribution to 2 NX Z X N 1 0 Examples mathematical statistics See Gupta Kapoor Fundamental of Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Moment Generating Function of Normal distribution Moment Generating Function of Normal distribution Additive Property of Normal Distribution Chief characteristics of normal distribution Chief characteristics of normal distribution Thank You Thank You

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