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Expectation Variance Covariance and Moment Generating function of R V by Dr Mahamood Usman Khan Ph D IIT ISM Dhanbad M Phil M Sc AMU Properties of Expectation cE c where aisc consta nt when x y are independent Expectation for joint RVs The mathematical expectation of a function g x y of two dimentional random variables X Y with pdf f x y is given by An instant view Unsolved Question v Correlation v Cor YX yX Cov yVxV 1 144 11 144 11 144 0 091 Discussion E X Y when the joint density function is given Moments Moments of Joint RVs Moment generating function Properties of MGF having the probability mass function as Find out the mgf mean and variance of X Solution ThankYou

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VIT MAT 2001 - Expectation, Variance, Covariance and Moment Generating function of R. V

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