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COMMUNICATION IN THE HELPING PROCESS SLWK 230 Spring 2024 Tuesday Thursday 9 30AM 10 45 AM Locations Hibbs Building 0329 Office hours By appointment Instructor Muthoni Imungi Ph D MSW Email mimungi vcu edu VCU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK S COMMITMENT TO ANTI RACISM The VCU School of Social Work stands against all acts of oppression while acknowledging the particular role of anti Black racism and white dominance within our communities Visit our website to learn more about Our Commitment to Social and Racial Justice You can also learn more about VCU School of Social Work racial justice initiatives here COURSE DISCRIPTION Semester course 3 lecture hours 3 credit Communication in the Helping Process is the study of the knowledge skills and values of effective human communication and interpersonal relations It includes verbal and nonverbal communication listening skills cultural competency ethics and the relevance of all of the above to social work practice Emphasis is place on the demonstration and practice of communication through structured exercises role plays and classroom discussion The course is required for all social work majors COURSE COMPETENCIES AND BEHAVIORS SLWK 230 Upon completion of this course students will achieve a beginning level of skill in demonstrating the following competencies as evidenced by the related behaviors Journal Journal Journal 1 2 3 Critical Reflection Paper Exam 1 Exam 2 Competency 1 Behavior 1 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 1 1 make ethical decisions by applying the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics relevant laws and regulations models for ethical decision making ethical conduct of research and additional codes of ethics as appropriate to context Competency 1 Behavior 2 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 2 use reflection and self regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations Competency 1 Behavior 3 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 3 demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior appearance and oral written and electronic communication Competency 1 Behavior 4 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 4 use technology ethically and appropriately to facilitate practice outcomes Competency 2 Behavior 6 Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 apply and communicate understanding of the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences in practice at the micro mezzo and macro levels Competency 2 Behavior 8 Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice 8 apply self awareness and self regulation to manage the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse clients and constituencies Competency 6 Behavior 18 Engage with Individuals Families Groups Organizations and Communities 18 use empathy reflection and interpersonal skills to effectively engage diverse clients and constituencies Competency 8 Behavior 27 Intervene with Individuals Families Groups Organizations and Communities 27 facilitate effective transitions and endings that advance mutually agreed on goals 3 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK DeVito J A 2019 The interpersonal communication book 15th ed Boston Pearson Education Additional readings may be assigned throughout the course COURSE SYLLABUS MODIFICATIONS The course syllabus contained within is subject to modification during the semester in order to support student learning and change of instruction modality COURSE FORMAT The course will consist of lectures discussion of readings group activities course assignments and exams Students are responsible for reading all assigned materials Students are encouraged introduce question about assigned readings in class discussions INSTRUCTOR AVAILABILITY The instructor is available to students by appointment Students may schedule an appointment by e mailing the instructor at mimungi vcu edu Please allow at least 24 hours for an instructor response I respond to emails from Monday to Friday and during business hours SUMMARY OF ASSIGNMENTS AND EVALUATION COURSE GRADE In grading assignments the instructor uses the following guidelines A 90 100 B 80 89 C 70 79 D 60 69 All aspects of the work are outstanding the student not only responds fully to all parts of the assignment but goes beyond the required work in some substantial way Most aspects of the work are outstanding the student responds fully to all parts of the assignment All aspects of the work are fully met and the overall quality is good Some content of the work is either completely missing or not adequately met overall quality is poor F Below 60 Major content of the work is not addressed at all many of them are not adequately developed overall quality is poor ASSIGNMENTS Assignments will be evaluated based on content organization grammar writing skills and integration of course content All assignments are due by the dates designated in the syllabus Assignments will be marked down by one point for each day past their due date All assignments are to be submitted by the due date on Canvas only Following is the grade breakdown for the course ASSIGNMENT Attendance and participation Journal critique Group Activity Journal entries 3 Exam 1 Critical Reflection Journal Exam 2 Total 10 10 20 journals will be averaged 20 20 20 100 POINTS 4 COURSE ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Attendance and Participation 10 points Class attendance and participation account for 10 points Students are expected to read required readings before each class so that they can meaningfully participate in class discussions and activities The participatory nature of the course requires students to attend each class and actively participate in discussions and activities in order to create a mutually beneficial learning environment The quality of student participation will be determined by contribution to classroom discussions Classroom comments are expected to reflect cultural sensitivity and be constructive in tone Cultural sensitivity requires one to recognize that cultural differences and similarities exist between individuals groups and communities and that differences are value free neither positive or negative Students are expected to be on time for class and remain for the entire class period Attendance will be taken during each class and be aggregated into an attendance and participation grade at the end of the semester A student is considered late if they join the class more than five minutes after the

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VCU SLWK 201 - Syllabus

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