Filipino in the Contemporary World GED 0113 Sec 21 Subsection 1 SA 1 Critique Research Paper 27 March 2022 The UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs is the 17 collective global goals deliberated tackling 169 targets encompassing social struggles which includes three dimensions economic social and environmental development which is expected to transform the world by 2030 DeLuca n d One of the SDGs Goal 13 Climate Action focuses on urgent actions implementing critical policies and programs to minimize and counter the impacts of climate change one of its targets is to promote resilience along with enhancing strategies and capabilities for efficient climate change related planning and management The Philippines has experienced immense natural disasters that were mainly the result of global warming such as record breaking strong typhoons flooding rising temperature etc in recent decades To counter climate change and comply with Goal 13 the national government of the Philippines established the Climate Change Commission CCC also in accordance with Republic Act 9729 crafting its own policy assigned to monitor synchronize and assess disaster programs management and planning on climate change As authorized the CCC mandated the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change NFSCC which aims to produce a climate risk resilient Philippines and the National Climate Change Action Plan NCCAP which provides feasible programs for a blended climate crisis mitigation and adaptation Benito Claudio 2012 The CCC presents as the centerpiece of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources DENR which leads in generating policies to achieve resilience regulation and ensuring the compliance of the country to global commitments on climate change With the coordination of multiple branches of the government such as Department of Science and Technology DOST National Economic Development Authority NEDA Department of Health DOH Department of Energy DE Department of Interior and Local Government DILG Department of Public Roads and Highways DPWH and respective LGUs along with non government organizations and private sectors the integration and employment of the action plans were able translate into actual programs prioritizing strategic actions to ensure environmental and ecological stability sustainability water adequacy aptitude development climate genial industries or services human and food security as part of adaptation and mitigation of the country from 2011 to 2028 Benito Claudio 2012 Furthermore NCCAP calls for public financing to focus on acclimation and also an environment code that engages private sector investments to aid the funding of sustainable and renewable energy resources to ensure 1 minimal carbon footprint For the upcoming years it is expected to conduct liability evaluation indication of the eco town system and development research that reinforces sustainable practices along with generating renewable energy sources Benito Claudio 2012 Looking into mobilized and implemented projects under the policies of NFSCC and NCCAP for the last decade the country has been significantly making progress in fulfilling the targets of Goal 13 In terms of resilience a report by the Philippine Statistics Authority states that there is a decrease of 41 in the number of significantly affected persons associated with natural calamities and disasters per 100 000 population from 8 853 in 2016 to 5 218 in 2018 Meanwhile the number of missing persons deteriorated from 03 in 2016 to 0 0 in 2018 although an increase to 24 from 08 in the number of deaths from natural disasters was recorded between 2016 2018 Philippine Statistics Authority 2021 The number could be attributed to typhoons Ompong which lashed northern Luzon typhoon Vinta and tropical depression Usman which battered the vulnerable regions in Mindanao in 2017 and 2018 leaving at least 500 people dead in total PAGASA n d Most of the casualties are associated with floods strong winds and rains Meanwhile the CCC DENR EMB and FMB and other related agencies are successful in integrating course of actions into state policies masterplans and planning as mentioned in target 13 2 of Goal 13 For instance the efficient implementation of the principles of Disaster Risk Reduction And Management adopted from the Sendai Framework advocated by the UN General Assembly in 2015 which paved ways to successful networking between MDRRMC and the BDRRMC that helped in accelerating information equipped communities and reduction of threats and damage in terms of welfare lives and livelihoods Benito Claudio 2012 Moreover they also bestowed a considerable amount of tasks and responsibilities for disaster risk reduction in each community to cope with natural calamities lifting off burdens on local government units to initiate them which also made it easier for them to assess the situation during calamities Another project in coordination with the Department of Agriculture the SUREAid Program successfully landed monetary support to agricultural households in disaster hotspot areas to help the community regain their capability to restore their livelihoods relieving the burden of being left on their own in finding ways to recover from their losses Under the project a total of Php11 95 billion in loans and assistance were provided to farmers nationwide Gomez 2022 2 The Philippines is considered vulnerable to climate change and will be hit the hardest in terms of its impacts on the environment and human aspects That is why the country s race to cope with the global issue and respond with concrete actions is deemed critical and necessary The Climate Change Commission along with its mandated programs National Climate Change Action Plan and National Framework Strategy on Climate Change has been proven effective and beneficial for the Philippines urgent need to enact sustainable strategies and adapt and mitigate climate change With the United Nations backing the application of SDGs more positive outcomes can be harvested in the future Although there is still room for modifications and improvements specifically in terms of effective citizen participation because the national government cannot fully safeguard the people from natural disasters and calamities Therefore planning management and execution of different climate risk resilience adaptation and preparedness programs must involve initiative and rigorous engagement of the community who are the main key to the success of the programs In
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