CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 2 Fall 2023 Note that this is a practice exam and does not cover ALL the concepts and reactions that could be asked on Exam 2 Please refer to Exam 2 study guide for a complete list Honor Code Signature Your signature certifies that you have not given nor received aid on this exam 1 Use resonance structures to explain why p nitrophenol has a lower pKa than m nitrophenol 2 Rank the following alcohols in order of acidity 1 most acidic 4 least acidic 3 Draw the mechanism and the product for the following reaction 1 CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 2 Fall 2023 Note that this is a practice exam and does not cover ALL the concepts and reactions that could be asked on Exam 2 Please refer to Exam 2 study guide for a complete list 4 Fill in the missing components for the following reactions If the product is missing provide the major organic product 2 CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 2 Fall 2023 Note that this is a practice exam and does not cover ALL the concepts and reactions that could be asked on Exam 2 Please refer to Exam 2 study guide for a complete list 5 Predict the products or reagents for the following reaction sequences 6 Propose a synthetic route by clearly indicating the reagents needed and the intermediate products formed You do not need to draw out the curved arrow mechanism 3 CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 2 Fall 2023 Note that this is a practice exam and does not cover ALL the concepts and reactions that could be asked on Exam 2 Please refer to Exam 2 study guide for a complete list 7 Propose a synthetic route by clearly indicating the reagents needed and the intermediate products formed You do not need to draw out the curved arrow mechanism 8 Propose a synthetic route by clearly indicating the reagents needed and the intermediate products formed You do not need to draw out the curved arrow mechanism 4
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