CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 1 Fall 2023 Honor Code Signature Your signature certifies that you have not given nor received aid on this exam 1 Predict the products for the following Diel s Alder reaction Draw the major and minor products in the appropriate boxes Major Product Minor Product 2 Draw the starting materials for the following reaction Be sure to include the correct stereochemistry of reactants 3 Circle the following molecules that are reactive towards a dienophile Cannot adopt s cis conformation Not conjugated 1 CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 1 Fall 2023 4 A Draw the two products obtained from the reaction below Label each product as either the kinetic product or thermodynamic product B In order to obtain the thermodynamic product in the reach above Would you need high T or low T circle the correct answer 5 Draw the mechanism and the major product for the following SN1 reaction 2 CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 1 Fall 2023 6 Draw the two resonance structures for the cation shown and use curved arrow notation to show the conversion between each resonance structure CIRCLE the resonance structure that is the major contributor 7 Determine if the following molecules are aromatic Circle the compounds that are aromatic 8 Draw a mechanism illustrating the formation of the major product from the nitration HNO3 H2SO4 of benzene start with the electrophile as if it has already been generated 3 CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 1 Fall 2023 9 Fill in the missing components for the following reactions If the product is missing provide the major organic product 10 Predict the products for the following reaction sequences Partial credit will be given for drawing the correct intermediate after the second step 4 CH 223 001 Last Name First Name Practice Exam 1 Fall 2023 5
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