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Special Occasion Speech SWOT Analysis Relationship with My Best Friend Strengths Planning Skills Use of Humor Opportunities Environment Interacting with My Audience Emotional Aspect Weaknesses Procrastination Long Pauses Vocal Fillers Threats Public Speaking Anxiety Overstepping the Line Humor Falling Flat As stated in my last SWOT analysis I got my planning skills from my mom as she and I both like to be prepared for anything These planning skills will help me to prepare a well rehearsed maid of honor speech My speech is going to be for my best friend who I have known for 10 years My friendship with her allows me to develop a speech that comes from the heart Additionally my best friend and I love to constantly make jokes and laugh so I will be adding a bit of humor to my speech in order to connect with my audience I still have a tendency to procrastinate which could cause me to rush through my speech but I am working on that My use of vocal fillers as well as long pauses at times when I m not sure what to say next may cause me to seem awkward to my audience The environment of a wedding could be useful to me as it is an emotional event that is focused on the newly married couple That being said the odds of me knowing how to work the audience is pretty high so I should be able to connect with them easily I consider my best friend to be my platonic soulmate so the speech will be very emotional no matter what My main threat is my public speaking anxiety as it always makes me seem nervous and not prepared Lastly I may have trouble with not overstepping the line and having my jokes fall flat when it comes to my humor as I won t know how my audience will react until I am already giving the speech

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Purdue COM 31400 - Special Occasion Speech SWOT Analysis

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