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CHEMISTRY 122 General College Chemistry I Course Syllabus Spring 2022 Email ritahat uic edu Instructor Dr Rita Hatfield Online Office Hours Drop in MWF 12 30 1 30 and 3 00 3 45 pm By appt MW 5 00 6 00 PM Blackboard Course web site uic blackboard com CHEM 122 General Chemistry I Lecture CRN 40752 MWF 4 00 4 50 pm In person on campus in Lecture Center C Room 3 plus one in person on campus discussion session per week Teaching Assistants Jair Powell jairnp2 uic edu Ananthu Modappilappally amodap2 uic edu Please note Due to covid restrictions the first two weeks of lecture and discussion will be on Zoom Updates will be provided as indicated by the University COURSE OVERVIEW This course is the first semester of a two semester comprehensive general chemistry sequence that explores the behavior of matter conceptually and quantitatively by linking basic chemical concepts with problem solving Students will demonstrate a good understanding of the basic structure of atoms periodic properties of the elements bonding concepts of atoms forming compounds naming and writing of compounds and formulas stoichiometry of chemical reactions different types of chemical reactions various properties of solution and gaseous phase matter Furthermore students will learn to apply chemical equilibrium principles to both gas phase reactions and aqueous solution chemistry with emphasis on acids and bases dissolution precipitation and precipitation reactions COURSE REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites To enroll in Chem 122 students must have 1 placed into Chem 122 on the basis of their performance on the chemistry placement exam or 2 successfully completed Chem 101 with a final grade of C or better Proficiency in math at the level of pre calculus or better is assumed Registration Students must be registered for both lecture and discussion sessions Failure to do so will mean that you will automatically be dropped Accommodations The University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier free environment so that students with disabilities can fully access programs courses services and activities at UIC Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access to and or participation in this course are welcome but must be registered with the Disability Resource Center DRC You may contact DRC at 312 413 2183 v or 773 649 4535 VP Relay and consult the following drc uic edu guide to accommodations ADD DROP course Last day for late registration is Friday January 28 This is also the last day to drop the Friday March 18 See your college advisor for further details course and not receive a W grade Last day to drop course with college approval and receive a W grade is Final Examination The final exam will be cumulative and will be given during finals week The time and day will be announced towards the end of the semester Please note that all students are required to take the final exam 1 Required Course Materials 1 Textbook Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 9th Edition by Silberberg and Amateis ISBN 978 1 259 74109 8 The same textbook will be used for General Chemistry II Chem 124 in Fall 2022 See PURCHASE ACCESS CODE link on Blackboard for e text and homework USE THIS LINK 2 On line Homework The online homework for this class will be with Connect from McGrawHill Education To register for Connect go to the Connect Homework Link in the blackboard course site even if you have an active Connect account More detailed information about Connect can be found in our blackboard course site under How to Setup Online Homework Connect Tech Support 1 800 331 5094 3 Inexpensive Scientific Calculator with capability of exponential notation display along with function keys for yx xth root of y log x antilog x ln x and inverse ln x It is highly recommended the calculator have linear regression statistical analysis capability and you know how to use it 4 I clicker no purchase needed https teaching uic edu ed tech polling surveys iclicker TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS Computer Technology Requirements Personal Computer Web camera You will need regular access to a personal computer or tablet to access content on the Blackboard Management system Be sure that you have access to a computer that can run the Browser Lockdown App with a Camera Click on the link Respondus Lockdown Browser posted on Blackboard to install the Lockdown Browser that is specific for UIC students While exams are in person we may use Respondus if covid restrictions remain in place during a scheduled exam time Blackboard Learning Management System For all technical questions about Blackboard email ACCC Learning Technology Solutions at LTS uic edu Please note Laptop Hotspot support to students in need is available during the Covid 19 Pandemic Fill out the Request Form accessed through the link below https help uillinois edu TDClient 37 uic Requests TicketRequests NewForm ID imDH7BF9WEY RequestorType Service Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race culture religion politics sexual orientation gender gender variance and nationalities Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student s legal name I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records You can update your pronouns in Zoom https today uic edu pronouns feature enabled in zoom COURSE STRUCTURE This class consists of the following components in person lectures and discussion sessions Please note the first two weeks are synchronous on Zoom Synchronous Live Online Lectures First two weeks Join my live lecture by clicking on the Zoom link through Blackboard during our regularly scheduled class time 4 PM CST on MWF You are expected to attend all Zoom lectures participate actively in lecture and are responsible for all announcements Please note that engaging with lecture materials early and often will help you to build your knowledge and problem solving abilities in chemistry In Person Lectures are currently scheduled to begin Jan 24th at 4 PM in Lecture Center C Room 3 Please note that masking indoors is still required for everyone regardless of your vaccination status 2 Synchronous Live Online Discussion Sessions First two weeks Discussion sessions are scheduled once a week with a TA For the first two weeks please join your TA s Zoom session through

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UIC CHEM 112 - Syllabus

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