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General Chemistry 122 Spring 2022 Final Exam Reference Sheet 6 022 x 1023 K C 273 1 atm 760 mmHg 760 torr 14 7 psi 76 cm Hg 1 01325 bar 101 325 kPa R 0 0821 L atm mol K 8 314 J mol K 1 joule 1 kg 2 2 STP 0 C and 1 atm Standard molar volume 22 4 L PV nRT ax2 bx c 0 S pH log H3O pOH log OH pH pOH pKw 14 pKa log Ka pH pK 3 3 2 3 2 Kw H3O OH 1 10 14 at 25 C Kw Ka x Kb at 25 C pKw pKa pKb pKb log Kb i van t Hoff factor included for strong electrolyte solutions 1

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UIC CHEM 112 - Gen Chem 122 Final Exam Reference Sheet

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