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GENERAL CHEMISTRY 122 Spring 2022 FINAL EXAM TOPICS 6 PM 8 PM Tuesday May 3rd Further Exam Details will post during Week 15 Content and Point Distribution Approximately 100 points are allocated to the following topics Please note that the Chapters where these topics are introduced are shown in parentheses Be able to name compounds and write formulas for ionic compounds molecular compounds and acids Chapter 2 Be able to solve reaction stoichiometry problems that may include limiting reactant and yields with grams moles and volume amounts Chapter 3 Be able to predict products of precipitation and acid base neutralization reactions Chapter 4 Be able to write net ionic equations for precipitation and neutralization reactions Chapter 4 Assign oxidation numbers and predict oxidizing and reducing agents in a reaction Chapter 4 Be able to complete a variety of stoichiometry questions that involve molarity of a solution Understand the ideal gas equation its applications partial pressure and the kinetic molecular Be able to use Henry s Law Raoult s Law VP Lowering Osmotic Pressure and apply the Van t Chapter 4 theory of gases Chapter 5 Hoff factor Chapter 13 Be able to apply Le Chatelier s Principle in the context of gas phase equilibria Chapter 17 Be able to calculate Q and determine reaction direction Chapter 17 Approximately 100 points are allocated to Acid Base Equilibria Ch 18 Aq Ionic Equilibria Ch 19 Chapter 18 sections 1 8 and Chapter 19 sections 1 3 Be able to identify Arrhenius acids and bases and Bronsted Lowry acids and bases Be able to understand and apply the conjugate acid base concept including their relative acid base strength Be able to find the pH H3O or OH of a strong or weak acid or base in water Write relevant equations construct ICE tables and justify any assumptions used This can be done in the context of a titration problem Be able to calculate of a weak acid or of a weak base given the pH of the solution Understand the concept of polyprotic acids and the strength of their successive pK s Be able to identify trends in acid strength for binary acids and oxoacids Be able to identify a salt as acidic basic or pH neutral and justify this answer with an equilibria Be able to find the pH of a buffer and challenge the buffer Be able to use the Henderson Hasselbalch equation and or ICE table for buffer pH equation calculations Challenge a buffer with moles of strong acid or strong base and calculate the resulting pH consider stoichiometric and equilibrium calculations Be able to calculate and use the A HA ratio needed to prepare a buffer at a certain pH Be able to apply the definitions of buffer capacity and buffer range and solve problems Be able to pick an appropriate buffer system given a desired pH 1 Be able to Identify if a buffer is formed when various solutions are mixed together Be able to Identify points along all types of titration curves Be able to calculate the pH at different points along a titration curve initial before equivalence point at equivalence point and beyond the equivalence point Understand how to treat volume and molarity changes and what is present at each step of a titration weak base or acid in water buffer excess strong acid or base Be able to construct Stoichiometry ICF and Equilibrium ICE tables Be able to pick an acid base indicator given Ka s of the indicators and pH at the equivalence Be able to apply LeChatelier s Principle to aqueous ionic equilibria Be able to write equilibria expressions for slightly soluble ionic compounds K Be able to solve for S molar solubility or Be able to determine 1 the common ion effect and 2 the pH effect on solubility equilibrium Be able to predict whether precipitation occurs for slightly soluble ionic compounds compare point Q vs K 2

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UIC CHEM 112 - Final Exam Topics

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