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ACCOUNTANCY 2258 Computer Based Data Systems Spring 2024 Course Syllabus University of Missouri Course Catalog Description Introduces the computer as a tool in the efficient operation of a business Skills developed in the course include electronic information retrieval information analysis using a spreadsheet what if analysis macro development and information presentation In addition computer components data storage networks and information technology are discussed Prerequisites Co Requisites Sophomore standing Credit Hours This course is worth 3 0 credit hours Course Objectives and Expectations This course introduces the computer as a tool that can assist in the efficient operation of a business Skills developed in the course include electronic information retrieval data manipulation and analysis what if analysis macro development and information presentation In addition computer components data storage networks and information technology will be discussed Excel is widely used in business and can help you accomplish many common but significant tasks The time you spend in this course becoming proficient with Excel is time you will not have to spend learning on the job This course as is true of computers in general is continually evolving and has been updated to provide you with an introduction to some of the latest technology It has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and to develop a specific set of competencies that will help you function as a capable professional when you begin your career Among the competencies we expect you to develop from this course are the following The ability to generate relevant ideas for problem solving and to use spreadsheets and databases based on those ideas to process and present useful information The ability to apply context specific reasoning schemes to accomplish particular purposes The ability to locate and read with understanding relevant authoritative and interpretive literature or instruction in both printed and electronic sources The ability to analyze data and make decisions based on the analysis of data The ability to listen to and understand information communicated verbally and visually Applied courses like this one require a significant time commitment You should expect to spend an average of 5 to 10 hours per week on this course outside of class The time commitment will vary by person and will also vary from week to week depending on the difficulty level of the material we are covering each week If you find computer related topics to be naturally easy for you then you may spend less time outside of class If however these topics seem especially difficult for you you may have to spend an additional amount of time reviewing the material If you do not believe you can devote at least the average time estimated above to this course then you should consider postponing your enrollment to a semester when you will have more time available for this class 1 The chart below provides lecture and lab information You can see who your assigned Lab Instructor is based on which lab you enrolled in Your assigned Lab Instructor is responsible for your grades in this course When you have questions or concerns you should typically start by emailing your assigned Lab Instructor and then he she will reach out to the Course Coordinator for assistance guidance if needed Instructors Section Lab Class Lectures And Labs Section 1 Days and Times Tuesday 12 30 p m 1 45 p m Professor Kristen Hockman Course Coordinator hockmank missouri edu Section 2 Thursday 12 30 p m 1 45 p m Location Anheuser Busch Natural Resources Conservation Auditorium Room 111 Lab 1A Wednesday 8 00 a m 9 15 a m Cornell 4 Lab 1C Wednesday 11 00 a m 12 15 p m Cornell 4 Lab 1D Wednesday 12 30 p m 1 45 p m Cornell 4 Lab 1B Wednesday 9 30 a m 10 45 a m Cornell 4 Lab 2F Lab 2G Friday 11 00 a m 12 15 p m Friday 12 30 p m 1 45 p m Cornell 5 Cornell 5 Lab 1E Wednesday 2 00 p m 3 15 p m Cornell 5 Lab 1I Thursday 11 00 a m 12 15 p m Cornell 4 Lab 2A Thursday 2 00 p m 3 15 p m Cornell 4 Lab 1F Wednesday 3 30 p m 4 45 p m Cornell 4 Lab 2C Lab 2E Lab 1G Lab 1H Lab 2D Friday 9 30 a m 10 45 a m Friday 11 00 a m 12 15 p m Cornell 4 Cornell 4 Thursday 8 00 a m 9 15 a m Cornell 4 Thursday 9 30 a m 10 45 a m Cornell 4 Friday 9 30 a m 10 45 a m Cornell 5 Lab 1J Thursday 12 30 p m 1 45 p m Cornell 4 Lab 2B Thursday 3 30 p m 4 45 p m Cornell 4 2 Maci Friedrich Lab Instructor mlfmf5 umsystem edu Trevor Maine Lab Instructor tamw4p umsystem edu Brenna Vosse Lab Instructor blv3kc umsystem edu Nick Davis Lab Instructor njd6nf umsystem edu Emily Maruszak Lab Instructor ermqq7 umsystem edu Hannah Kreimeyer Lab Instructor hrknqk missouri edu The following chart provides email information office hour details for the Course Coordinator and the Lab Instructors for this course You are welcome to attend the Course Coordinator s office hours as well as any Lab Instructor s office hours for assistance throughout the semester You are not limited to only attending the office hours of your assigned Lab Instructor We are all here to help you be successful in this course Please note that while Professor Hockman s office hours will be in person she will also offer virtual office hours during that time Use the following Zoom link if you want to join her virtual office hours https umsystem zoom us j 99328030103 pwd bHRZU1MvdXhhVWtoT0dzdzN5cSs3UT09 Instructors Office Hour Office Hour Professor Kristen Hockman Course Coordinator hockmank missouri edu Days Times Jan 16 Mar 7 Tues Thurs Jan 16 Mar 7 11 00 a m 12 00 p m Mar 11 May 8 Mon Wed Mar 11 May 8 11 00 a m 12 00 p m Office Hour Locations Cornell 506 Tuesday 9 00 a m 10 00 a m Cornell 9 Wednesday 9 30 a m 10 30 a m Monday Tuesday 10 00 a m 11 00 a m Cornell 9 10 00 a m 11 00 a m Wednesday 12 30 p m 1 30 p m Cornell 9 Thursday 12 30 p m 1 30 p m Wednesday 2 00 p m 3 00 p m Cornell 9 Friday Monday 8 00 a m 9 00 a m 9 30 a m 10 30 a m Cornell 9 Wednesday 9 30 a m 10 30 a m Wednesday 12 15 p m 1 15 p m Cornell 9 Thursday 2 00 p m 3 00 p m 3 Maci Friedrich Lab Instructor mlfmf5 umsystem edu Trevor Maine Lab Instructor tamw4p umsystem edu Brenna Vosse Lab Instructor blv3kc umsystem edu Nick Davis Lab Instructor njd6nf umsystem edu Emily Maruszak Lab Instructor ermqq7 umsystem edu Hannah Kreimeyer Lab Instructor hrknqk missouri edu Course Format The format of this course is for …

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