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Accountancy 2258 Exam 3 Study Guide Exam 3 may consist of multiple choice matching true false and problems Exam questions will come from the information discussed in the Macro Lecture slides the Macro Practice files and the macro review files listed below In the problems you may be asked to write out the Visual Basic code for all or part of a macro correct code that has been written incorrectly or explain what displayed Visual Basic code means Please make sure you go back and review all of the files provided in Canvas for Exam 3 The following is a summary of the information you will be expected to know for Exam 3 Macros and Visual Basic The following files should be helpful to review as you prepare for the exam File Name Macro Lecture Slides and Macro Practice Files Location Canvas Modules Exam 3 Materials File Type PowerPoint Word and Excel Purpose Summarizes types of VBA code gives examples to work through and provides notes to review for exam preparation Macro Review Materials Canvas Modules Exam 3 Materials Word Visual Basic Syntax Summary Canvas Modules Exam 3 Materials Exam 3 Practice Questions and Solutions Canvas Modules Exam 3 Materials Word Word Discusses macros defines macro terminology provides detailed explanations of Visual Basic code structures along with examples Summarizes VBA code structures Provides you with practice exam questions to work through so you will have a better idea of what to expect on the actual exam 1 1 Macros a Be familiar with ALL terminology defined in the Macro Review Materials file b Describe how to use the Record Macro feature to record a new macro in Excel c Understand how to use ActiveX Controls combo box spin button scroll bar option buttons and check boxes and know why when each of these would be used Know what properties have to be changed for each ActiveX Control d Know the major components of the Visual Basic Editor and what each is used for Project Explorer window Code window Local Window comments VBA statements code Modules and ThisWorkbook 2 e VBA macros what are macros and why are they used f Know the three different methods that can be used to create a macro g Relative and absolute referencing when using Visual Basic code 3 ways to select a cell or move from one cell to another know how to write the appropriate code for each 1 Absolute 2 Relative 3 When a cell has been named and you are selecting the named cell from the Name Box drop down menu Objects properties and methods structure and syntax of VBA understand what these are and know the basic syntax such as how to manipulate objects items elements using properties characteristics and methods actions Be able to recognize each of these terms and define them 3 You should be comfortable with the syntax and code structures and be able to write VBA code for the following a Know how to add a comment to your macro code and know what comments look like in Visual Basic Editor b Know how to assign a button to a macro you have created c With End With what is the purpose of this code structure d PROCEDURES Public Macros Subs Syntax Private Macros Subs Syntax Private sub obect event statemnets End Sub User Defined Functions Syntax Dim variable as data type 4 FuncName list FuncName Expression End function e DEFINING and USING VARIABLES SPECIFYING the DATATYPE Know when it is necessary to define variables Be able to write the appropriate code to define a variable as String text as Integer whole number as Currency dollar format and as Single number with or without decimal places f DIALOG BOXES Know when to use Message Boxes and when to use Input Boxes Be able to write the appropriate code to create Message Boxes and Input Boxes Message Box msgBox dim response as string response msgBox vbYesNo Input Box Resource cell InputBox Range 5 g CONTROL STRUCTURES VBA is executed sequentially unless a control structure changes the order in which a set of commands is run Know how to write the appropriate code for IF THEN statements and DO LOOP statements Selection control branching If Then Else End If Iteration controls also known as looping or repetition 1 Do Loop will loop indefinitely until a specified condition is met or while a specified condition is met 6

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