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mp The mass of the pan with the Teflon bottom was measured as 63 6 g mp The mass of the pan with the rubber bottom was measured as 122 9 g VI 1 ms g 40 50 55 53 53 70 68 73 75 70 105 110 110 105 105 140 150 145 140 135 170 175 170 170 170 m g 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 mt g 263 3 263 3 263 3 263 3 263 3 463 6 463 6 463 6 463 6 463 6 663 6 663 6 663 6 663 6 663 6 863 6 863 6 863 6 863 6 863 6 1063 6 1063 6 1063 6 1063 6 1063 6 Slope Slope Unc 0 15614984 0 0037931 4 66833385 2 73611662 Intercept Intercept Unc The slope intercept and the uncertainty of both of these values were calculated using the LINEST function in Excel ms vs mt Pan with Teflon Bottom y 0 1561x 4 6683 0 200 400 800 1000 1200 600 mt g To find mt We take the value of m measured and add it to the value of mass of the pan with the Teflon bottom Thus we have mt m mp mt 200 63 6 263 6 g To determine the value of and We use the equation If you rearrange this equation we get This also happens to be the slope So if the Slope Uncertainty of the slope Thus 0 156 0 004 N coefficient of kinetic friction is the slope the uncertainty of kinetic friction would be the uncertainty of the slope Thus g s m 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 VI 2 ms g 45 40 50 45 50 60 75 75 73 75 105 110 110 110 110 140 150 140 145 140 160 163 155 165 160 m g 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 mt g 222 9 222 9 222 9 222 9 222 9 322 9 322 9 322 9 322 9 322 9 422 9 422 9 422 9 422 9 422 9 522 9 522 9 522 9 522 9 522 9 622 9 622 9 622 9 622 9 622 9 Slope 0 3006 Slope Unc 0 00899652 21 08374 4 01172629 Intercept Intercept Unc The slope intercept and the uncertainty of both of these values were calculated using the LINEST function in Excel ms vs mt Pan with Rubber Bottom y 0 3006x 21 084 g s m 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 500 600 700 800 400 mt g The calculation to find mt is the same as in VI 1 Since the calculations are the same as in VI 1 and would be the same as the slope 0 3006 21 084 N and uncertainty of the slope given through LINEST in Excel Thus we have the following VI 3 L 121 3 cm d 17 4 cm 12 57 9 92 12 43 13 59 10 26 N 0 2230 0 1749 0 2204 0 2417 0 1810 m g 200 400 600 800 1000 mt g 263 3 463 6 663 6 863 6 1063 6 H cm 43 8 38 3 43 5 45 9 39 y cm 26 4 20 9 26 1 28 5 21 6 Calculations are carried out and explained on next page Finding y We take the value of d and subtract it from the value of H Thus we have Finding the average We do the following calculation to find the average 43 8 17 4 26 4 Finding the value of We must use the equation sin Thus we have sin 01 3 4 0 5 1 12 57 Finding the value of We use the tan operation to find this value Thus we have tan 6 tan 12 57 0 2230 N 5 Finding the Standard Deviation We use the following equation to find E 5 1 0 2230 2082 0 1749 2082 0 2204 2082 0 2417 2082 0 1810 2082 0 0182 0 2082 0 0182 0 2230 0 1749 0 2204 0 2417 0 1810 1 0415 0 2082 5 1 5 All other trials were calculated the same using the methods shown above for trial 1 VI 4 L 121 3 cm d 17 4 cm 13 39 21 89 18 46 11 85 16 67 N 0 23805 0 40179 0 33382 0 20982 0 29944 Finding y We take the value of d and subtract it from the value of H Thus we have m g 100 200 300 400 500 mt g 222 9 322 9 422 9 522 9 622 9 H cm 45 5 62 6 55 8 42 3 52 2 y cm 28 1 45 2 38 4 24 9 34 8 45 5 17 4 28 1 Finding the value of We must use the equation sin Thus we have 0 13 39 sin Finding the value of We use the tan operation to find this value Thus we have tan 6 tan 13 39 0 23805N We use 8 8 8 8 9 Finding the Standard Deviation We use the following equation to find Thus we do the following calculation to find the average Finding the average to find the average 5 5 0 23805 0 40179 0 33382 0 20982 0 29944 1 48295 0 29658 Thus we have the following calculation as shown below E 5 1 3 0 23805 0 29658 0 40179 0 29658 0 33382 0 29658 0 20982 0 29658 0 29944 0 29658 07651 0 29658 07651 5 1 All other trials were calculated the same using the methods shown above for trial 1

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