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Python Programming Fundamentals A Comprehensive Introduction Introduction This presentation provides a comprehensive introduction to Python Programming Fundamentals The presentation covers the basics of Python its syntax and how to write simple programs in Python This presentation is intended for anyone who wants to learn Python programming No prior programming experience is required Python Basics Python is a high level interpreted programming language It is easy to learn and has a simple syntax Python supports multiple programming paradigms including object oriented functional and procedural programming In this section we will cover the basics of Python including variables data types and operators Control Flow Control ow statements are used to control the ow of execution of a program In Python we use conditional statements loops and functions to control the ow of our program In this section we will cover if else statements while loops for loops and functions in Python Data Structures Python provides several built in data structures including lists tuples sets and dictionaries These data structures are used to store and manipulate collections of data In this section we will cover the basics of these data structures and how to use them in Python Object Oriented Programming Python supports object oriented programming OOP principles OOP is a programming paradigm that uses objects to represent and manipulate data In this section we will cover the basics of OOP in Python including classes objects inheritance and polymorphism Conclusion Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used in industry academia and research In this presentation we covered the basics of Python programming including its syntax control ow data structures and object oriented programming principles We hope that this presentation has provided you with a solid foundation in Python programming fundamentals

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Anna CS 3291 - Introduction to Python Programming

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