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Visual Attention Attention o Focusing on events o Internal and external o Ignoring and selecting o Take in filter perception Historical Perspectives o William James believed everyone knew what attention was o Harold Pashler believed no one knew what attention was Basic Characteristics 1 Limited capacity a Juggler Metaphor hold all things in the air at the same time i Difference is that you can t really get better with b Spotlight metaphor whatever is in the center of attention practice gets processed 2 Flexibility a Easily shifted b Cocktail Party Effect attention automatically drawn to your Global precedence see whole image before we see parts Laws of Organization see a cube or etc name 3 Voluntary Control a Choose to direct attention Pre vs Post attentive processing o Pre attentive Before focused attention Very quick Pre thinking o Post attentive o Subitizing After focused attention Choose to focus on somethings Pre attentive Quick effortless Small numbers 1 2 3 Puppy picture example o Counting Post attentive Requires focused thought Larger numbers 4 Types of Visual Attention o Goal driven attention top down processing Active attention Goals guide attention Willful direction Space Based Attention Focused spotlight o Center has most processing o Periphery has less Laberge 1983 tested hypothesis o Present 7 T or Z o Respond when 7 is present measure reaction time o Should be processing faster closer to spotlight o Stimulus driven attention bottom up processing at middle position Passive attention Stimulus guides attention Attention gets Grabbed Ex cocktail party effect Attentional Capture What draws our attention Visual Search Task Look for an object target Vary amount of overlap o Features only a small amount of overlap Overlap of shape but not color o Conjunction search lots of overlap Shape and color overlap Vary number of distractors o In feature search more distractors does not slow down reaction time o In conjunction search reaction time slows Visual Search is Two Stages 1st o Basic perceptual phase size shape color o Quick and efficient o Pop Out effect o Pre attentive o Focused attention on each item o Increases reaction time takes longer o Post attentive 2nd Inattentional Blindness o Failure to notice obvious change or event o Simons and Chabris 1999 Gorilla Study Visual similarity White shirts 46 Black shirts 71 Task Difficulty Count all passes 63 Separate counts 54 Change Blindness o What does it tell us about attention Coherence Attention hold all elements of a scene together Perceptual glue Basketball vs Gorilla what you focus on Attentional Set What you are focused on One particular thing focuses all attention Black vs White Auditory Attention Gateway Metaphor Selective attention Dichotic listening o Only certain number of things will get through and become perceived o Actively choose to focus on one stimulus and ignore others o 2 different messages played in 2 different ears o Cherry 1953 Speech Shadowing o Required to repeat what you re hearing only from one ear What happens during dichotic listening o Successful at shadowing o Successful at ignoring unattended message o Know that it s there but do not know what is says o Can tell superficial information such as pitch or gender Early Selection Theory o Both messages go into ears then filter gets rid of one of them one message gets through the filter and is translated into meaning o Some information is still getting through both ears you just don t Attenuation Theory attend to both Automaticity o Little attention or effort o Years of practice o Reading Stroop Effect o Automatically read the word o Interference o Even for related words Characteristics of Automatic processing o Control o Intention Almost no control Monitor alter change stop A matter of degree Automatic behavior is autonomous works on own Lacks central control o Attentional Efficiency Don t require a lot of attention or effort How does Automaticity happen o Qualitative account Automatic behavior is qualitatively different Completely different method o Quantitative Account Getting faster at engaging in behavior Transky 2005 o Tests qualitative vs quantative accounts o 60 different multiplication problems 120 times each 8 x 13 o Report strategies across time o Early Algorithmic multiplication rules o Later memory retrieval o Qualitative change Action slip o Absentminded mistake caused by lack of conscious awareness of an automatic behavior o Shaving cream toothpaste o No conscious control o No monitoring o Why do they happen Schemas Parent schema overarching idea of what you do Child schema smaller steps No longer focusing on child schema Top Down Action Slip wassup Good How are you nothing much Bottom Up Slip This patient has a high chance of research o

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KSU PSYC 11762 - Visual Attention

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