1 What is an antagonist 2 What is a synergist 3 What is an agonist Come up with some examples 4 Can you describe the components of a lever system in terms of the human body Can you describe each lever class with examples human and nonhuman 5 What is torque in depth describe and explain using the correct terminology 6 What are the different types of muscle tension Can you describe how each function 7 Explain each of the components of a muscle twitch 8 What are graded muscle responses all about How does changing the frequency and strength of the stimulation affect the muscle sensors 9 What is treppe What is tonus 10 How do smooth and skeletal muscle compare structurally and functionally How are they the same How are the different 11 What is calcium Why is it important 12 What are the differences between neurotransmitters in smooth and skeletal muscle 13 What are the characteristics of a single unit smooth muscle 14 How are muscle sheet arranged and what do they do 15 Can you explain single unit smooth muscle contraction 16 Can you characterize multiunit smooth muscle 17 What are the functions of the nervous system 18 How do the peripheral nervous system and central nervous compare and contrast 19 What is afferent How about Efferent What is sensory as opposed to motor 20 What are the cells found in the nervous system 21 Where would you find each cell of the nervous system 22 What is the function of each cell in the nervous system 23 Describe the structure of the neuron dendrites axons cell parts 24 Describe the different classes of neurons Bipolar Unipolar Multipolar Where would you find each 25 Describe the connective tissue membranes that surround nervous tissue 26 What are two functional types of synapses 27 What cause excitation or facilitation What about inhibition 28 What are EPSPs and IPSPs 29 What does the Na K ATP pump do 30 Explain what is happening during the latent period and each part of the refractory periods 31 When can propagation take place why why not 32 How does a salutatory conduction occur 33 How does fiber diameter and degree of myelination affect speed of propagation 34 Describe the structure of the synapse and the structures found within the presynaptic membrane a nd the structures found in the postsynaptic membrane 35 How does information pass through a synapse 36 What is Temporal and Spatial Summation 37 How do the speeds of propagation along the nerve fiber compare with crossing the synapse Why 38 What is Synaptic potentiation 39 What is Synaptic Fatigue 40 Compare and Contrast qualitative and quantitative neural coding of information 41 Characterize diverging converging reverberating and parallel after discharge circuits List an example of each 42 Describe serial and parallel processing List examples 43 Characterize receptors on the basis of the locus of stimulation and by types of stimuli 44 Characterize unencapsulated receptors List examples and where they may be found To what types of stimuli do they respond 45 Characterize encapsulated receptors List examples and where they may be found To what types of stimuli do they respond 46 Describe the location function and benefit of the Golgi Tendon Organs 47 Describe the location function and benefit of Neuromuscular Spindles What is meant by reciprocal inhibition
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