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Can you list and compare the 2 physiological divisions of the ANS Sympathetic or thoracolumbar ventral roots Adapts body for physical activity Increases alertness heart rate blood pressure pulmonary airflow blood glucose concentration and blood flow to cardiac and skeletal muscle reduces blood flow to skin and digestive tract Fight of flight reaction Arousal exercise competition stress danger trauma anger fear Parasympathetic or craniosacral Calming effect on body functions Reduced energy expenditure and normal bodily maintenance Digestion waste elimination Resting and digestion state Both active simultaneously cooperative or contrasting effects How do the 2 divisions compare regarding autonomic efferent innervation Sympathetic innervates thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord all thoracic and L1 3 Parasympathetic innervates CN 3 7 9 10 and ventral roots of S 2 3 4 How does autonomic efferent innervation compare with somatic efferent innervation Signals travel faster in somatic system fewer synapses fibers heavily myelinated NT effect in ANS depends on receptors on target organ may inhibit or excite Somatic effectors skeletal muscle myelinated motor fiber ACh at synapse Autonomic visceral effectors cardiac muscle smooth muscle glands myelinated preganglionic fiber unmyelinated postganglionic fiber ACh in ganglion What are the NTs for pre and post ganglionic synapses in sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers Sympathetic NT for preganglionic synapse ACh Postganglionic cell bodies in sympathetic chain ganglia along vertebral column also in 3 cervical ganglia superior to chain Parasympathetic NT at both synapses ACh Postganglionic cell bodies in effector organ wall Compare SNS and PNS re fiber length cell body location NT effects Sympathetic NT at effector norepinephrine widespread in the body fight or flight arousal Cell body lateral horn of cord Postganglionic cell bodies in sympathetic chain ganglia along vertebral column also in 3 cervical ganglia superior to chain Length of fibers preganglionic is short postganglionic is long Parasympathetic NT at both synapses ACh single response at effector synapse close to effector rest and repair Cell body brain stem and sacral cord Postganglionic cell bodies in effector organ wall Length of fibers preganglionic is long postganglionic is short Compare the ANS with the somatic nervous system ANS carries signals to glands cardiac muscle and smooth muscle Usually no voluntary control over these effectors Operates at unconscious level Responses of ANS and its effectors are visceral reflexes SNS carries signals from CNS to glands and muscle cells that carry out the body s responses What is the function of the hippocampus Of the amygdala Hippocampus forms new memories Amygdala emotional memory Both part of the limbic system Identify some areas other than the post central gyrus that are sensory areas and where are they located Lateral spinothalamic cord to thalamus Fasciculus cuneatus upper extremity to thalamus Fasciculus gracilis lower extremity to thalamus Dorsal spinocerebellar cord to cerebellum Reticulospinal reticular formation of pons and medulla to cord Rubrospinal red nucleus to skeletal muscle Post central gyrus primary sensory information from receptors in skin proprioceptors What are memory traces Where is immediate memory stored Pathway of the physical basis of memory in which new synapses have formed or existing synapses have been modified to make transmission easier Chemical and structural changes that encode memory widely distribute occurs in stages and constantly changing Immediate memory stored in the frontal lobe by reverberating circuits Where are the basal nuclei located in the brain What is the function of this region Masses of gray matter in the cerebrum lateral to thalamus Three brain centers caudate nucleus putamen and globus pallidus corpus striatum One of the two subcortical motor areas cerebellum is the other Receive input from entire cerebral cortex and midbrain send signals back motor control important in Starting stopping monitoring movements executed by the cortex slow sustained stereotyped movements arms swinging while walking eating Inhibit antagonistic or unnecessary movements Enhances ability to perform multiple tasks Impairments leads to disturbances in muscle tone posture tremors abnormally slow movements What is the function of the thalamus Of the hypothalamus Thalamus functions include Major sensory relay station besides smell Processes input and selectively relays signals to the postcentral gyrus and insula Taste general senses equilibrium position and movement Hypothalamus functions include Control and integration of ANS Regulation of heart rate blood pressure respiration hunger and body weight water and electrolyte balance Body temperature and sleep regulation Controls movements and secretion in digestive track Controls emotional responses and behavior pleasure pain fear rage Controls endocrine function produces releasing hormones which control pituitary hormone secretion Physical expressions of emotion sweating dry mouth increased heart rate heart of the limbic system emotional part of the brain What are the geniculate bodies What are their function Either of two protuberances on the inferior surface of the thalamus that relay auditory and visual impulses respectively to the cerebral cortex Medial and lateral posterior to the end of the thalamus Function in visual and auditory relay Infundibulum Connects pituitary gland to hypothalamus What are the mammillary bodies and their function A pair of small round bodies located on the undersurface of the brain that as part of the diencephalon form part of the limbic system Posterior to infundibulum Olfactory relay What is the pineal gland and its function Extends from roof of diencephalon Secretes hormones functions with endocrine system What is the limbic system and its function Functional organization of structures structures in medial aspect of cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon Encircles upper brain stem structures hippocampus mammillary bodies hypothalamus anterior nuclei of thalamus amygdaloid body other gyri and fiber tracts Functions in emotional aspects of behavior emotional brain Extensive connections with higher and lower brain regions Allows integration and response to a variety of stimuli Interacts with prefrontal lobes and produces relationship between feelings and thoughts Explains why emotions can override thoughts reason can

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TEMPLE KINS 1223 - Lecture notes

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