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Chapter 9 1 Brumrind Parenting Styles a Parental Warmth acceptance and responsiveness affection support encouragement b Parental Control monitor and discipline expectations and limits i Authoritative associated with most positive accepting affectionate high expectations for behavior uses reason o Associated Child Behavior tend to be curious and confident reliable cooperative well behaved popular independent good students less drug use ii Authoritarian high standards for behavior little affection rigid punitive o Associated Child Behavior low self confidence less friendly may be anxious may get angry aggressive with frustration less positive peer interactions may see behavior problems or internalizing symptoms depression anxiety withdraw iii Permissive indulgent affectionate undemanding inconsistent discipline o Associated Child Behavior tend to be impulsive immature moody disobedient overly dependent on adults don t do as well in school give up when things get tough iv Uninvolved neglectful emotionally detached undemanding o Associated Child Behavior tend to have most negative outcomes low self confidence higher risk or substance abuse delinquency and mental health problems 2 Adolescence about 13 22ish transition from dependent child to self supporting adult 3 Puberty physical change that occurs with sexual maturation ability to reproduce a Timing of puberty for girls issues for both early and late girls date before ready experiment lower grades ridicule b Timing of puberty for boys early better athletes more popular self concept by adulthood late boys can also be doing well but at time can be anxious and self conscious 4 Adolescent thinking and risk taking teen egocentrism increase for many in spite of better decision making skills a Personal fable common belief of adolescence that they are unique and protected from b harm Imaginary audience common belief of adolescence that others are just as concerned about their thoughts and characteristics as they are 5 Adolescent Social and Emotional Changes a Shifts from family to friends influence and interest b Teens stress and storm not like myths suggest i Really hard for some suicide alcohol drugs violence ii Most do not have major problems iii Time for rapid change iv Many experience period of more extreme mood fluctuations c Conflict with parents especially moms go up for both sexes i Parents report it s the hardest age to parent emotionally Chapter 13 1 Social Psychology works to understand human behavior in its social context examines how thoughts behaviors and feelings are influenced by real or imagined presence of others Lewin Leadership Style 2 a Autocratic Leader make all decisions for the group b Laissez Faire Leader allow complete freedom with little guidance c Democratic Leader actively encouraged and assisted group decision making 3 Conformity change in behavior to match others not necessarily bad a Asch found 70 of people say wrong answer at least once effect increases with group size up to 4 as long as 1 dissents stop answer in private reduce Informational use others when you are unsure i ii Normative do what they do to fit in acceptance 4 Milgram studied obedience shocks a Obedience change behavior at command of authority figure good and bad i Experiment teacher shocks learner for mistakes to see if punishment increases learning really looks at obedience ii Findings 2 3 people went all the way many objected but still obeyed 5 Stanford Prison Experiment lead by Zimbardo would random assignment to roles create behavior differences a Study on conformity to social roles b Situational cues were powerful good a Need for Consistency commitment 6 Compliance changes behavior at the request of another whether or not it is for your own i Foot in door ask for little first to increase chance yes to big favor ii Door in the Face ask to contribute large amount after denial then asks for reasonable number so you say yes iii That s Not All sales person offers deal at inflated price and then immediately offers a discount iv Not so free sample offers you a free sample comes with psychological cost feel the need to buy item after v Lowball reveal hidden cost after agree b Need for Reciprocity give for getting gifting includes free samples c Need for Scarcity reactance limit 6 while they last car models d Reactance an emotional reaction to pressure or persuasion that results in the strengthening or adoption of a contrary belief 7 a Compliance at the request b Conformity to match others c Obedience at command 8 Social Cognition mental processes used to understand make sense of the social world 9 Culture Impacts Attribution Patterns a Individualistic emphasizes personal identity and uniqueness focus on competitive success strength and skill value independence self reliance America Western Europe b Collectivist group goals put ahead of individual goals responsible to others shared values resources and cooperation important define self by group membership Asia Africa Latin America 10 Attributions inferences made about cause of events behaviors reasons self others a Can be right wrong but feel better i Dispositional internal personality characteristic cause ii Situational external environment circumstances cause b Attribution patterns common people tend to have a style not just people but cultures impacts attribution patterns 11 13 14 15 a Fundamental Attribution Error tendency to over attribute others behavior to dispositional causes and the corresponding minimization of the importance of situational causes b Self Serving Bias attribute successes to personal factors disp and failures to environmental factors sit c Self Effacing Bias attribute successes to environmental factors sit an failures to self d Halo Effect initial belief of one positive trait used to infer other uniformly positive characteristics about another same goes for negative e Assumed Similarity Bias believed those we meet are similar to us 12 Yerkes Dodson Law shows us that on simple tasks we do better when there are more people around on harder tasks we do better when there are fewer people around a Social Facilitation presence of others has a positive impact on simple or well learned disp task b Social Impairment presence of others has a negative impact on difficult task i Presence of others arouses us makes dominant responses even more likely c Social Loafing tendency to put in less effort with group compared to effort when alone i How to fix it Grade with individual

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