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The Dimensions of Subculture and Subcultural Formations Final Exam Review Subculture a group of people with their own distinct culture that distinguishes differentiates them from the dominant mainstream culture and from other subcultures o Spectator based o Participant based Insider Outsider Subcultural Status Membership Your subculture is determined by your specific values ideals beliefs language codes etc o These ideals etc determine whether you are of insider or outsider status Counter Resistant and Deviant Subcultures Alternate sports Subcultural Boundaries Commitment and Boundary Maintenance Expression of values and ideals o Personal style aesthetic o Cultural preferences o Language codes and expressions o Bodily practices and behavior Spectating and Participatory Sport Subcultures The two main types of sport subculture Roller Derby as a Counter Subcultural Formation Express alternative expressions of embodied femininity Gay Sport Subcultures as Progressive Cultural Political Resistance Progressive political resistance Lifestyle Alternative Sport Subcultures Alternatives to the disciplining constraints of traditional sporting activities The Dynamics of Subcultural Identity Seeking an Alternative to the Disciplinary Regimes of Traditional Sport Team sport suppress individualism and conform subcultures seek to create their own identity California sports athlete centered non competitive Alternative Lifestyle Sports and the New Expressive Individualism Surfing windsurfing skateboarding etc brings a different lifestyle asthetic that accompanies it through dress and brands that they wear Risk sport vs adventure sports The elements of California Sports High Freedom Term by Bourdeu creative athlete centered non competitive unregulated expressions of youthful physicality contemp lifestyle sport subcultures ex surfing windsurfing skateboarding snowboarding pursuit of freedom self expression hendoism Sporting Involvement Lifestyle and Self Identity a way of life Deriving Subcultural Capital and Subcultural Status Insider outsider determined thru factors o Sporting prowess o Commitment o Equipment o Subcultural style Sporting Subculture s Gender Conundrum Risk and Adventure Sports and Alternative Lifestyle Cultures Wheaton 2000 finds internal workings and dynamics of the triad certain sports offer risk sport serious injury and possible death adventure sport physically and mentally demanding Risks life e g cliff diving and base jumping compared to other lifestyle sports such as surfing or skateboarding Risk Society and Control The safer a society the more risk someone may want to take A society obsess with amount of risk decreasing risk and promoting safety risk society Focus on identifying RISK avoiding RISK and Managing controlling RISK The Contradictions of Risk Society Seeking and experiencing excitement danger adventure risk Risk Sports as Oppositional Acts A way to find excitement in unexciting societies The Quest for Excitement in Unexciting Societies Low control Pre Modern High control Modern and Risk Post Modern Societies o Pre modern o Modern More freedom expression Less control safety gladiator Less freedom More control safety McDonalization iron cage Factory standardized predictable More freedom expression more control safety Subculture risk social class o Post modern The Embodied Paradox of Post Modernity Rational businessman M F vs Irrational rock climbers weekends Managing and Controlling Risk and Subcultural Status Focused on by subculture insiders those who manage risk well were insiders those who exercised poor judgement about risk are outsiders Provides feelings of freedom control individual expression self actualization personal The Social Pyshcological Positives of Risk fulfillment transcendance Risk Sport and the Upper Middle Class Mostly performed by upper classes because they have the capital and time to do so Working Class Quests for Excitement Freedom and Control One may use high risk sport as a way to experience danger or excitement in an otherwise mundane or tedius life or as a way to rebel or break rules Surf Subculture Ethos Freedom unity commitment spiritualism exhilaration escape Boundary Maintenance and Surfing Subculture Status Localism and territorialism Surfing and Sub Cultural Localism and Territorialism Hawaii Wolfpak California surfer cut off a local surfer while riding a wave at Pipeline He was use fear and their fists to command respect in the surf along the North Shore of Oahu intimidation to enforce unwritten rules banished to the beach where a Wolfpak member smacked him in the head Localism territorialism respect Work Leisure Work Life Distinctions Work Leisure Work Life Distinctions Work and play implosion Ex bicycle messengers Occupational Identity and Leisure Identity Occupational identity at work doctor nurse athelete Leisure identity outside of work jogger dog lover motorcycle rider The Common Experiences of Cycle Messengering Physical demands danger exhilaration Freedom unity risk expression exhilaration subversion Cycle Messengering and Transcending Work Leisure Differences Incorporates both identities The Presentation of the Cycle Messenger Self Their style defines the individual both within and outside of work Replicating Work Outside of Work Alley cat racing roller racing The Negatives and Positives of Cycle Messenger Subculture Negatives Positive o Poor and unpredictable pay o Dangerous working conditions o Physically challenging o Reviled by the general public o Freedom and independence o Experience of RISK o Dangerous and marginal occupation o Group membership and identity The Colonization of Subcultural Cool My subcultural tends become incorporated into mainstream commercial culture Mainstream Incorporation and Commercial Colonization Skateboarding as Contested Subculture Space Yoga s Subcultural Fragmentation and Divide Idea where you re part of a subculture to break away from the mainstream yet everyone within the subculture looks the same From 1920 onwards America has been an urban nation most of its population lives in America as an Urban Nation cities metro areas Baltimore as an Exemplar of Contemporary Urbanism Archetypal Neoliberal city o Postcard city o Inner harbor is tourist bubble Depopulation Deindustrialization Tax Bases and Budget Reductions Depopulation movement from urban areas to Suburban communities Deindustrialization decline of traditional city based large scale workforce manufacturing industires Tax bases

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