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1 What is the sociological perspective How is social location a part of the Sociological perspective The sociological perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live It examines how these contexts influence people s lives At the center of the sociological perspective is the question of how groups influence people especially how people are influenced by their society a group of people who share a culture and a territory To find out why people do what they do sociologists look at social location the corners of in life that people occupy because of where they are located in a society 2 What are the major components of science Science in contrast requires theories that can be tested by research The scientific method is using objective systematic observations to test theories 3 What did each of the following person s contribute to sociology What were their primary beliefs August Compte Karl Marx Max Weber Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim W E B DuBois Jane Adams For example who coined the term sociology Survival of the fittest Who took a conflict perspective and who studied prejudice and racism Who was a social reformer August Compte Suggested that we apply the scientific method to the social world a process known as positivism Founder of Sociology Analyzed the bases of the social order Sociology The study of society All parts work together to make a functioning whole Faith or morale sentiments through family church community Herbert Spencer Second founder of Sociology Coined Survival of the fittest Believed that sociologists should not guide social reform as this would interfere with a natural process that improves societies As more generations pass a society s most capable and intelligent members the fittest survive while the least capable die out Social Darwinism Did not conduct scientific studies Karl Marx Roots of human misery lay in class conflict the exploitation of workers by those who own the means of production Thought people should try to change society His proposal for change was radical revolution Society is made of two classes the Bourgeoisies The capitalists the ones who own the capital the land factories and machines and the Proletariat exploited workers Eventually the workers will unite and break their chains of bondage Economics is the central force in social change Economics is THE source of social change Emile Durkheim If their commitment to the community is weak more likely for suicide Found Social Integration The degree to which people are tied to their social group Collective Conscience shared social thought Social integration Max Weber Used cross cultural and historical materials to race the causes of social change and to determine how social groups affect people s orientations to life Religion is the central force in social change Protestant Ethic W E B DuBois Combined the role of academic sociologist with that of a social reformer Racism in society and founded NAACP Jane Addams Recipient of the Nobel Prize for Peace worked on behalf of poor immigrants Founded the Hull House and a leader in women s rights women s suffrage 4 Explain the chief differences in the three major theoretical perspectives symbolic interactionism structure functionalism and conflict theory Which uses the human body as part of an analogy Which focuses on face to face behavior Symbolic Interactionism is that symbols things to which we attach meaning are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate with one another Without symbols our social life would be no more sophisticated than animals It directs sociologists to consider the symbols and details of everyday life what these symbols mean and how people interact with each other that of animals George Mead Founders of the term FACE TO FACE BEHAVIOR Structure Functionalism Functional Analysis is that society is a whole unit made up of interrelated parts that work together It is rooted in the origins of sociology Structural Functionalism is a sociological theory that attempts to explain why society functions the way it does by focusing on the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society Robert Merton Conflict Theory Karl Marx Key to the human history is class conflict In each society some small groups control the means of production and exploits those who are not in control The struggle is between the bourgeoisie the small group of capitalists who own the means to produce wealth and the proletariat is the mass of workers who are exploited by the bourgeoisie Human body analogy 5 Compare micro level and macro level analysis and state which level of analysis is used by each of the major theoretical perspectives Symbolic Interactionism Micro Use of symbols Face to face Interactions Functionalism Macro Relationship between the parts of society how aspects of society are functional Conflict Theory Macro Competition for scarce resources how the elite control the poor and weak The micro level of analysis of small social patterns to the big picture The macro level of analysis of large social patterns 6 What were the social factors believed to hold society together Morales Values Religion 7 What is collective conscience Class conflict Social Darwinism Racial pluralism Social theory Collective Conscience is the set of shared beliefs ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society Emile Durkheim Class Conflict is the tension or antagonism which exists in society due to competing socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes Social Darwinism modern day Survival of the fittest the theory that individuals groups and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals Racial Pluralism Social Theory encompasses ideas about how societies change and develop about methods of explaining social behavior about power and social structure 8 What were the factors that Emile Durkheim attributed to suicide Social Integration That people who have a weaker community connection are more than likely to kill themselves Altruistic suicide Excessive social cohesion Anomic Suicide Breakdown on morals 9 What is random sampling and for what research methods is it typically used In a random sample everyone in your population has the same chance of being included in the study Typically used for Surveys 10 What is secondary data analysis Operational definitions Obtrusive measures Researchers analyze data that others have collected

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