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History 1003 Dr Brendan Karch Study Guide Quiz 1 WEEK 1 Terms Definitions Martin Luther Luther was a new religious leader influenced by humanism politics religion etc He believed in seeking knowledge and wisdom in the bible He said to be a true Christian all you need is faith Luther published the 95 Theses in 1517 95 Thesis 1517 Luther s 95 complaints against the church John Calvin Calvinism originating from John Calvin was a new idea which believed in Predestination people are born going to Heaven or Hell Good Works and Communal order everyone in the community needs to belong to the same faith Protestant Martin Luther started the protestant reformation Six distinctive features of Protestant Reformation 1 Insistence on Sole authority of scripture 2 Doctrine of salvation by faith alone no good works come into play 3 Sermon over ritual action 4 A priesthood of all believers dignity of lay believer 5 Holy Community Whole town or village must share the same belief 6 Confessional state Rulers use powers to promote faith Act of Supremacy Henry VIII wanted to divorce his first wife so he created his own church so he can have a divorce Which he called the Anglican Church Peace of Augsburg 1555 Charles the 5th Holy Roman Emperor announced The Peace of Augsburg stating Each prince duke and ruler can decide their faith He wanted to stop the battles within faith Catholic Reformation Counter reformation Councils of Trent 1545 1563 They did not make any reforms in doctrines of the church but they said organizationally we need to crack down on corruption and run a tighter ship Drinking and whoring around was very common Society of Jesus i e Jesuits 1540 missionaries teachers they would go to Central America to spread the word of God French Wars of Religion Huguenots vs Catholics Huguenots French Protestants influenced by Calvin Edict of Nantes 1598 separated civil from religious unity It marked the end to religious battles in France during the second half of the 16th Century WEEK 2 Terms Definitions Little Ice Age cold weather in 17th c The 1600 s weather drop About 3 million people died off due to weather and starvation Thirty Years War The Little Ice Age made people very rebellious which started the Thirty Year war It was driven by religious and political battles Absolutism This idea elevated the king higher than all noble families so one family can have uninterrupted power This was the period rulers are going to assert the rest of society Louis XIV ruled 1643 1715 He was the most prominent absolutists of the time He built the palace of versae he liked to invite nobles for parties He kept his friends close and his enemies closer Just to get the inner scoop Divine Right The idea that God himself chooses a ruler to oversee the country English Civil War 1642 1651 Parlimentarians roundheads vs Royalists Cavaliers Parliament captures the king and they decide to put him on trial and execute him Whigs Did not support the idea of absolute rule They were against James II becoming king Tories Opposing force to the Whigs they were OK with the idea James II becoming King if he was catholic WEEK 3 Terms Definitions Old Regime How society before French Revolution worked It was based off of monarchy and the divine right of kings Society of Orders Status groups in society 1st Estate clergy 2nd Estate nobility 3rd Estate everyone else It was based on birth Serfdom peasants They were tied to the land usually had contracts with landowners in trade of food and shelter serfs worked their land Scientific Revolution Philosophical ideas were switched to observation and reasoning during this time period around the 17th century Scientific Revolution was based on Scientific Method Royal Academies taught this knowledge rather than universities Royal Academies Jesuit Colleges and Books letters helped the idea spread Empiricism Created by Francis Bacon empiricism stated that everything there was to science could be seen He focused on Scientific Experimentation and Scientific Method Rationalism Descarte created this idea It was primarily based on cognitive thinking reality is real because we think it is real Galileo Galilei Argued with the Church that the earth revolved the sun rather than everything revolving the earth He was prosecuted for his beliefs and sentenced to Life in prison He was a part of the Scientific Revolution era Division Of Labor Specialized work each employee had a specialty and would repeatedly do the same task throughout the work day Pro industrialization Household peace work making crafts and especially textiles Halfway point between restricted guilds and industrial factories Slave Trade Transatlantic slave trade 80 thousand slaves were forced to come to the America s A lot of the new wealth was built on the backs of Slaves Mercantilism competed with capitalism on ideas of wealth Believe in the benefits of profitable trading Invisible Hand A metaphor used by Adam Smith to describe If everyone worked for themselves rather than common good everything would run smoothly

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