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14 Disorders of the Mind and Body HOW ARE MENTAL DISORDERS CONCEPTUALIZED AND CLASSIFIED Mental Disorders Are Classified into Categories Etiology Factors that contribute to the development of a disorder Multiaxial system The system used in the DSM that provides assessment along five axes describing important mental health factors 1 Clinical disorders 2 Mental retardation or personality disorders 3 Medical conditions 4 Psychosocial problems 5 Global or overall assessment of how well the person is functioning Mental Disorders Must Be Assessed Assessment In psychology examination of a person s mental state to diagnose possible psychological disorders Diagnosis and prognosis Mental status exam it provides a snapshot of a person s psychological functioning Structured versus unstructured interviews o Unstructured Highly flexible Overly dependent on the interviewer s skills o Structured Patient s answers are coded according to a predetermined formula Diagnosis is based on the specific patters of responding Structured Clinical Interview for DSM SCID Valuable for research and treatment because the results obtained from one group of patients will likely apply to other patients diagnosed with the same disorder Types of testing o Psychological testing Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI o Neuropsychological testing Each task requires an ability such as planning coordinating or remembering By highlighting actions that the client performs poorly the assessment might indicate problems with a particular brain region Evidence based assessment approach to clinical evaluation in which research guides the evaluation of mental disorders the selection of appropriate psychological tests and neuropsychological methods and the use of critical thinking in making a diagnosis o Comorbidity many mental disorders occur together ex depression substance abuse Dissociative Identity Disorder Is a Controversial Diagnosis Dissociative identity disorder DID multiple personality disorder The occurrence of two or more distinct identities in the same individual DSM category of dissociative disorder involves disruptions of identity or memory and of conscious awareness 14 Disorders of the Mind and Body Mental Disorders Have Many Causes Diathesis stress model A diagnostic model that proposes that a disorder may develop when an underlying vulnerability is coupled with a precipitating event Diathesis underlying vulnerability of predisposition If the stress level exceeds an individual s ability to cope the symptoms of mental disorder will occur o It focuses on how physiological factors such as genetics contribute to Biological factors mental disorders o Some mental disorders may arise from prenatal problems such as malnutrition exposure to toxins and maternal illness o Neurotransmitters are involved in mental disorders o Biological factors often reflect vulnerabilities and situational factors often play prominent roles in the expression of mental disorders Psychological factors o Family systems model A diagnostic model that considers symptoms within an individual as indicating problems within the family o Sociocultural model A diagnostic model that views psychopathology as the result of the interaction between individuals and their cultures Cognitive behavioral factors o Cognitive behavioral approach A diagnostic model that views psychopathology as the result of learned maladaptive cognitions Sex differences in mental disorders o Internalizing disorders Those characterized by negative emotions such as distress and fear Prevalent in females o Externalizing disorders Those characterized by disinhibition such as alcoholism conduct disorders and antisocial behavior Prevalent in males Culture and mental disorders o Most mental disorders show universal and culture specific symptoms o Culture bound syndromes disorders mainly found in specific cultures or regions 14 Disorders of the Mind and Body CAN ANXIETY BE THE ROOT OF SEEMINGLY DIFFERENT DISORDERS Anxiety disorders they are characterized by excessive anxiety in the absence of true danger There Are Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Different anxiety disorders share some emotional cognitive somatic and motor symptoms even though the behavioral manifestations of these disorders are different Phobic disorder o Phobia exaggerated fear of a specific object or situation Specific phobia it involves particular objects and situations Social phobia social anxiety disorder fear of being negatively evaluated by others Involves being afraid of public speaking speaking up in class meeting new people and eating in front of others Generalized anxiety disorder GAD A diffuse state of constant anxiety not associated with any specific object or event o It can occur in response to almost anything o Much more common among females Panic disorder An anxiety disorder characterized by sudden overwhelming attacks of terror o People who experience panic attacks during adolescence are especially likely to develop other anxiety disorders such as PTSD and GAD in adulthood o Agoraphobia An anxiety disorder marked by fear of being in situations in which escape may be difficult or impossible Obsessive compulsive disorder An anxiety disorder characterized by frequent intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions o Obsessions recurrent intrusive and unwanted thoughts or ideas or mental o Compulsions particular acts that the OCD patient feels driven to perform images over and over again Anxiety Disorders Have Cognitive Situational and Biological Components A paradoxical aspect of OCD is that people are aware that their obsessions and compulsions are irrational ye they are unable to stop them OCD is in part genetic OCD can be triggered by environmental factors 14 Disorders of the Mind and Body ARE MOOD DISORDERS EXTREME MANIFESTATIONS OF NORMAL MOODS There Are Different Types of Mood Disorders Mood disorders extreme emotions Depressive disorders o Major depression A disorder characterized by severe negative moods or a lack of interest in normally pleasurable activities o Dysthymia A form of depression that is not severe enough to be diagnosed as major depression Some psychological scientists consider it a personality disorder rather than a mood disorder Researchers have found that dysthymia often precedes major depression o Depression is a leading risk factor for suicide o Rates of depression is much higher in women than in men Women tend to respond by internalizing their feelings whereas men tend to

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