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HIST 1003 Final Exam Study Guide Parts 1 and 2 Term IDs Five choices pick three part 1 Same for part 2 ten choices in all pick six in all Only from weeks nine to fifteen Two to three sentences each Ten points each sixty points in all Terms readings and reading questions for weeks nine to fifteen Parts 3 and 4 Source Essays Source titles and authors will be provided Short essay answering question related to material Two sources from weeks nine to fifteen One to two paragraphs Thirty points each sixty points in all Part 5 Long Essay Big picture question Must have argument and evidence Covers entire course Must be at least three to four paragraphs Eighty points Parts 1 and 2 Terms Readings and Reading Questions Weeks 9 through 15 Week 9 List of Terms Reading Questions People Places Things Dates Monroe Doctrine Suez Canal Scramble for Africa Boer Wars Map 20 4 Sepoys British East India Company Indian Rebellion Mutiny 1857 takes over afterwards Muslim Hindu reject using cow or pig fat covered cartridges British government Civilizing Mission Social Darwinism Human Zoos Reading Questions 1 Why was colonialism so much more competitive in the later 1800s vs before 2 Why did the British consider India the crown jewel of its Empire 3 In what ways did colonial people find ways to resist colonialism Who was more likely to resist Week 10 List of Terms Reading Questions People Places Things Dates Modernism Avant garde Cartels Suffragettes Second industrial revolution Revolutionary socialists vs revisionists Anarchists Christian socialism Anti Semitism Pogroms Dreyfus Affair Zionism Balkan Wars Reading Questions 1 What caused the slow decline of Liberalism s appeal in the decades before World War I 2 How was the second industrial revolution different from the first 3 In what ways was nationalism and anti Semitism destabilizing Europe Week 11 List of Terms Reading Questions People Places Things Dates Balkan Wars 1912 to 1913 Serbia Greece and Bulgaria Balkan League against the Ottoman Empire second Balkan war was war among victors for spoils of war Franz Ferdinand Central Powers Entente Germany Austria Hungary Ottoman Empire France Italy Britain Russia Belgium Serbia US Schlieffen Plan Western front and trench warfare Total war Home front Armenian Genocide Treaty of Brest Litovsk Russian Revolution Bolsheviks German Revolution National self determination League of Nations Treaty of Versailles Reading Questions 1 How and why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand turn into a World War 2 How was World War I different from almost all previous wars In what ways was it a total war 3 How did World War I change the map of Europe Week 12 List of Terms Reading Questions People Places Things Dates Reparations The New Woman Great Depression Russian Civil Wars New Economic Policy NEP Joseph Stalin Collectivization Ukrainian Famine Stalinist Great Terror Comintern Fascism Benito Mussolini Totalitarianism Weimar Republic Nazism Nuremberg Laws Reading Questions 1 Why did democracy fail in most of Europe in the interwar period 2 What distinguished fascism from other types of political movements especially from other conservative nationalist ones 3 Was the Soviet experiment doomed from the start Why or why not Week 13 List of Terms Reading Questions People Places Things Dates Sudetenland Hitler Stalin Pact aka Molotov Ribbentrop Pact Lebensraum living space Night of Broken Glass T 4 Program Ghettos Katyn Massacre Vichy France Operation Barbarossa Battle of Stalingrad The Final Solution aka the Holocaust Concentration camps vs death camps Firebombing of Dresden Yalta Conference Reading Questions 1 Why was World War II so much more terrible than World War I 2 Why was the eastern front far more destructive than anywhere else Week 14 List of Terms Reading Questions People Places Things Dates Cold War Show trials NATO Warsaw Pact Marshall Plan Berlin Wall Welfare states Decolonization Solidarity D tente Glasnost Perestroika 1989 Revolutions Reading Questions 91 Reading Questions 1 How did the Allies decisions over Germany s future help start the Cold War Was one side more responsible than the other 2 Why did decolonization play out violently in some areas but more peacefully in others Week 15 List of Terms Reading Questions People Places Things Dates Prague Spring 1 What forces were most responsible for the end to Communist rule in 1989 Readings Title Author and Year for Weeks 9 through 15 The Descent of Man Charles Darwin 1871 Indian Rebels Speak 1857 Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson 1918 The Crowd Gustav Le Bon 1896 The Jewish State Theodor Herzl 1896 What Is To Be Done Vladimir Lenin 1902 The World of Yesterday Stefan Zweig 1943 Blockade Diary Anna Eisenmenger 1918 The Economic Consequences of the Peace John Maynard Keynes 1920 The Doctrine of Fascism Benito Mussolini 1932 The Wannsee Protocol 1942 The Wretched of the Earth Frantz Fanon 1963 Universal Declaration of Human Rights UN 1948 Charter 77 Manifesto 1977 Survival in Auschwitz Primo Levi 1944 Part 5 The Big Picture Long Essay Notes Why Study Europe THE BIG PICTURE Why bother studying Europe Largest cities are not in Europe today but in 1900 the world s largest cities were in Europe or the US 9 10 So there was a moment when Europe reached its climax during 1800s and 1900s Story of Europe s rise and crest probably declining from this point forward Explaining Europe s Rise Most happened from French Revolution onwards Europe gets incredibly wealthy in the 1800s Two sides to the argument Europe as angel Europeans possessed a particular ingenuity and drive to explore the world and seek profit Europeans developed new freedoms and political forms democracy that allowed for stable flourishing societies European leaders were Europe as devil Europeans possessed a particularly rapacious drive to exploit kill and pillage the world for profit dragged by the masses into new freedoms and democratic forms but withheld them from the rest of the world stability was built upon slavery and colonial exploitation European prosperity and Yes there were empires but they especially the British spread democracy and rule of law Study prep think about all of the various event WWI colonialism fascism fit into these two versions Is one more correct than the other The truth is usually somewhere in between Themes of the course the idea of FREEDOM Many different kinds of freedom What is freedom Religious freedom beginning of course Then political freedoms including right to vote free

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